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单词 strongly
释义 Word family  noun strength adjective strong verb strengthen adverb strongly  strong·ly /ˈstrɒŋli $ ˈstrɒːŋ-/ ●●○ S3 adverb  1  if you feel or believe in something strongly, you are very sure and serious about it 坚定地;坚决地 I’m strongly opposed to capital punishment. 我坚决反对死刑。 We strongly believe that she is innocent. 我们坚信她是无辜的。 I’m strongly in favour of marriage. 我强烈支持婚姻。2  in a way that is meant to persuade someone to do something 强烈地〔说服〕strongly suggest/advise/recommend something Before taking action, you are strongly recommended to consult an accountant. 在采取行动之前,强烈建议你咨询一下会计师。3  in a way that is easy to notice 浓重地;强烈地〔指容易感觉到〕 The house smelt strongly of food. 房子里满是食物的气味。 ► Don’t say ‘hold/grip something strongly’. Use firmly or tightly: He gripped my arm tightly.不要说 ‘hold/grip something strongly’。 而要用 firmly 或 tightly: He gripped my arm tightly. 他紧紧地抓住我的胳膊。Examples from the Corpusstrongly• Surviving daguerreotype self-portraits reveal a slim figure with strongly chiselled features.• But other aspects of the dinosaur living habits are still more strongly debated.• Harold's suit smelled strongly of mothballs.• Animal advocates strongly oppose the practice of denying insurance to owners of pit bulls and Rottweilers.• As an aside, if the bad-tasting red disks are strongly reinforced, avoiding pain can become more important than seeking pleasure.• It is entirely legitimate to criticize the modern hospital system strongly so as to help patients function better within it.• The booking of Richard Quinn strongly suggests that connections mean business here.• So the Giants do have to get better, and history suggests rather strongly that better means not staying the same.strongly opposed to• They will exchange opinions, becoming united in their views or strongly opposed to each other.• But they are strongly opposed to his expected tax on oil, coal and other energy sources.• Lungren was strongly opposed to the legalization of medical marijuana.• Reluctant to impose yet another local tax, the finance ministry has remained strongly opposed to the new measures.• In Ayrshire this July, Systems Three found that four out of five of those polled were strongly opposed to the scheme.• The Parish Council were strongly opposed to this development and a letter was sent to the planning officer stating their views.• Lewis was strongly opposed to this move.strong·ly adverbChineseSyllable  are Corpus you you if feel something strongly, or believe in




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