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单词 beta version
释义  ˈbeta ˌversion noun [countable] technical  software that is being tested by people who will use it, to see if it works properly 贝他测试版,β版〔指给用户使用以检查是否有问题的软件〕 → alpha versionExamples from the Corpusbeta version• As it's a beta version, it's tricky to give ClarisWorks a star rating.• There was no manual with the beta version, but the package as a whole is a cinch to use.From Longman Business Dictionarybeta versionˈbeta ˌversionCOMPUTING a VERSION of software that has been tested by the people who developed it and then given to a specially chosen group of users to find out if there are any more small problems with it, before it is made available to the publicEven with this beta version, no major problems have surfaced, so we expect the release version to be very solid. → versionˈbeta ˌversion nounChineseSyllable  by that Corpus Business is software people being tested




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