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单词 stranglehold
释义  stran·gle·hold /ˈstræŋɡəlhəʊld $ -hoʊld/ noun [countable]  1  CONTROL[usually singular] complete control over a situation, organization etc 〔对局势、组织等的〕完全控制stranglehold on Just a few firms have a stranglehold on the market for this software. 只有少数几家公司完全控制着这种软件的市场。break/loosen the stranglehold of somebody (=stop someone having complete control) 挣脱某人的完全控制,使某人放松束缚2. BREATHEa strong hold around someone’s neck that stops them from breathing 勒颈,卡脖子Examples from the Corpusstranglehold• The balance of payments has become a stranglehold.• That marks a victory for Microsoft and breaks a stranglehold that Netscape was putting on the telecommunications industry.• For years, two giant recording companies have had a stranglehold on the CD market.• All is slanted to maintaining the Establishment stranglehold on vast tracts of land for their own selfish playgrounds.• He is down, but his stranglehold on the retail jewellery scene means that no one should say he is out.• Satellite TV should at last break the stranglehold of the big national TV channels.• Farmers with reasonable sized holdings were in a matter of years freed from the stranglehold of money lenders.• Even now, Marie could sense that the stranglehold of her rage had been broken.stranglehold on• a four-decade stranglehold on powerFrom Longman Business Dictionarystrangleholdstran‧gle‧hold /ˈstræŋgəlˌhəʊld-ˌhoʊld/ noun [countable usually singular] disapproving complete control over a particular market, industry, or situationstranglehold on/overThe new legislation willbreak their stranglehold on the industry, and allow competition on a more even footing. → compare monopolystran·gle·hold nounChineseSyllable   Corpus over control organization complete etc Business a situation,




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