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- Scottish Play, the
- scottish premier league
- scottish-premier-league
- Scottish Premier League, the
- scottish qualifications certificate
- scottish-qualifications-certificate
- Scottish Qualifications Certificate, the
- scott joplin
- scott-joplin
- scottjoplin
- Scott, Ridley
- scott,-ridley
- scott,ridley
- Scott, Ronnie
- scott,ronnie
- scott,-ronnie
- Scott, Sir Peter
- scott,-sir-peter
- Scott, Sir Walter
- scott,-sir-walter
- Scotty
- scoundrel
- scoundrels
- scour
- scoured
- Winnipeg
- Pedicab
- Piezoelectric
- Lionheart
- Nonaligned
- Contrarily
- Catnip
- Nesting
- Turtleneck
- Telephone directory
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- 《《大学》言明明德之序,先于致知;孟子言诚身之道,在于明善.今善之未明,知之未至,而循诵习传,阴储密积,廑(勤)身以从事,喻诸登山而陷谷,愈入而愈深,适越而北辕,愈鹜而愈远.》什么意思,出自哪里,注释,句意,翻译
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- By dint of句子
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- Threatened句子