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单词 statutory
释义  Related topics: Lawstat·u·to·ry /ˈstætʃətəri $ -tɔːri/ ●○○ adjective  SCLLEGALfixed or controlled by law 依照法令的;法定的 SYN mandatory statutory employment rights 法定就业权利 She’s below the statutory age for school attendance. 她还不到法定的入学年龄。 —statutorily adverbExamples from the Corpusstatutory• The point is a short one of statutory construction which appears to be free from authority.• Local authorities have a statutory duty to house homeless families.• The statutory fine for this offence is $250.• A code of practice is not legally enforceable, like a statutory instrument, for example.• Mr. Allen One is tempted to ask why the statutory instrument is needed.• Simply implementing the Directive by means of a statutory instrument would result in yet another regime relating solely to consumer contracts.• Officers have a statutory obligation to report any crime committed by a government employee.• Section 26 repeals a number of existing statutory provisions which allowed summary arrest.• There would have been no more than the statutory redundancies.• So there aren't a great many local statutory reporting requirements to meet.• statutory requirements for clinical laboratories• When you buy something, you have certain statutory rights as a consumer.• The House will know that the Government thought long and hard about their decision to retain the statutory training board.From Longman Business Dictionarystatutorystat‧u‧to‧ry /ˈstætʃətəri-tɔːri/ adjectiveLAW fixed or controlled by lawSome trustees have special statutory powers of investment.This statement does not affect the statutory rights of the consumer. —statutorily adverba statutorily prescribed procedurestat·u·to·ry adjectiveChineseSyllable  or law Corpus fixed Business controlled by




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