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单词 adjourn
释义  Related topics: Lawad·journ /əˈdʒɜːn $ -ɜːrn/ ●○○ verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]SCTPAUSE if a meeting, parliament, law court etc adjourns, or if the person in charge adjourns it, it stops for a short time 休(会);休(庭) It was almost noon when the meeting adjourned. 休会时差不多已经是中午了。adjourn for/until Congress has adjourned for the November elections. 国会因11月的大选而暂时休会。 His trial was adjourned until May. 对他的审讯延期至5月份。2  adjourn to something to finish an activity and go somewhere – often used humorously 转移到别处;换地方〔常为幽默用法〕 The rest of us adjourned to a nearby pub for some refreshments. 我们其他人转移阵地,去了附近酒吧吃点心。 —adjournment noun [countable, uncountable] We sought an adjournment of the proceedings. 我们寻求暂缓诉讼。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusadjourn• It was almost noon when the meeting adjourned.• When the conference was over, the delegates voted not to adjourn, but to constitute themselves as a permanent body.• The trial was adjourned for two weeks until the psychiatrist's report was ready.• Cleveland deputy coroner Ronald Smith said as there was a possibility of industrial disease he was adjourning the hearing pending further inquiries.• Magistrates adjourned the hearing until May 14.• The chairman has the power to adjourn the meeting at any time.• They all agreed and adjourned the meeting just as the candle was burning out.• The case was adjourned to May 6 for reports.• Sentence was adjourned until May 11 for a probation report.• If there are no more questions, the committee will adjourn until tomorrow morning.adjourn for/until• The case was adjourned until June 26 and Dargue was released on unconditional bail.• The case was adjourned until June 26 and Rahim was remanded in custody.• The event that would eclipse it began only after Kenneff left the witness stand, and court adjourned for lunch.• Nothing happened, however, because of the rush to adjourn for the 1996 campaign.• Nothing happened, however, because Congress was eager to adjourn for the November elections.• The inquiry was adjourned until Thursday.• The hearing was adjourned until tomorrow.• The committee adjourned until Tuesday.• The trial was adjourned for two weeks.• The trial, before Judge Gareth Edwards, has been adjourned until Wednesday.From Longman Business Dictionaryadjournad‧journ /əˈdʒɜːn-ɜːrn/ verb [intransitive, transitive] if a meeting or law court adjourns, or if the person in charge adjourns it, it finishes or stops, either for a short time, or until the next time it meetsThe chairman has the power to adjourn the meeting at any time.adjourn for/untilThe committee adjourned for lunch. —adjournment noun [countable, uncountable]The adjournment will allow more time to receive votes from shareholders on the proposal.→ See Verb tableOrigin adjourn (1300-1400) Old French ajourner, from jour “day”ad·journ verbChineseSyllable  adjourns, meeting, Corpus or Business law court a etc if parliament,




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