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单词 squaw
释义  squaw /skwɔː $ skwɒː/ noun [countable]  old useWOMAN a word for a Native American woman, now usually considered offensive 美洲土著女子〔现在一般认为该词具有冒犯性〕Examples from the Corpussquaw• Melanie started wearing her hair in stiff plaits, in the manner of a squaw.• Spotted Eagle's squaw, Vicky, spends hundreds of hours sewing on 180,000 beads on to each outfit.• But the mention of Oxford in no way deterred the squaw, as intended.• The squaw turned head and shoulder and looked at her.• Somehow, this woman - this squaw - seemed immense and, because immense, threatening.Origin squaw (1600-1700) Narragansett squaws “woman”squaw nounChinese  woman, Corpus American now a a word for usually Native




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