单词 |
be singing from the same hymn sheet/book |
释义 |
be singing from the same hymn sheet/book be singing from the same hymn sheet/book → be singing from the same hymn sheet/book at sing(3) used to say that a group of people all have the same aims or all express the same opinion on a particular subjectbe singing from the same hymn sheet/book |
随便看 |
- flush somebody out
- flush somebody/something ↔ out
- flush something out
- flush sth out
- fluster
- flustered
- flustered
- flustering
- flusters
- flute
- fluted
- flutes
- flutist
- flutists
- flutter
- fluttered
- fluttering
- flutters
- flutter your eyelashes
- flutter your eyelashes at
- flutter your eyelashes at sb
- flutter your eyelashes (at somebody)
- flutter your eyelashes at somebody
- fluvial
- flux
- Sociable
- Reckon
- Rooted
- Fresh
- Cherry
- Blueberry
- Peach
- Dentist
- Enlighten
- Correspond
- 禁锢词义,禁锢组词,禁锢造句
- 禁闭》作者简介|内容概要|作品赏析
- 禄位名寿、康宁顺适、子孙贤达,此天福人之大权也,然尝轻以与人。所最靳而不轻以与人者,惟名。福善祸淫之言,至名而始信,大圣得大名,其次得名,视德无分毫爽者。恶亦然。禄位寿康在一身,名在天下;禄位寿康在一时,名在万世。其恶者备有百福,恶名愈著;善者备尝艰苦,善誉日彰。桀、纣、幽、厉之名,孝子慈孙百世不能改,此固天道报应之微权也。天之以百福予人者,恃有此耳。彼天下万世之所以仰慕钦承疾恶笑骂,其祸福固不小
- 禄厚而税多,食口众者,败农者也
- 禄要无愧》原文|译文|赏析
- 禄过其功者削,名过其实者损
- 禄雯茜《离歌》抒情高中作文
- 禅
- 禅味
- 禅宗
- 禅宗
- 禅宗美学
- 禅家有理障之说,愚谓理无障,毕竟是识障。无意识,心何障之有?
- 禅意
- 禅教玄机》原文|译文|赏析
- Nonconformity句子
- Quash句子
- Lieu句子
- Nearest句子
- Brag句子
- Gasping句子
- Soak in句子
- Unsustainable句子
- Disruptive句子
- Habituate句子
- Upbraid句子
- Irreducible句子
- Discontented句子
- Becalmed句子
- Naivety句子