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单词 spin
释义  Related topics: Material & textiles, Cleaning, Insectsspin1 /spɪn/ ●●● S3 verb (past tense and past participle spun /spʌn/, present participle spinning)  1  turn around 旋转 [intransitive, transitive]TURN to turn around and around very quickly, or to make something do this (使)快速旋转 The plane’s propellers were spinning. 飞机的螺旋桨在快速旋转。spin (something/somebody) around She grabbed Norm’s arm and spun him around to face her. 她抓住诺姆的胳膊将他转过来面对她。2  somebody’s head is spinning  (also the room is spinning)CONFUSEDILL if your head or the room is spinning, you feel as if you might faint (=become unconscious) because you are shocked, excited, or drunk 〔因震惊、兴奋或醉酒〕某人头都晕了,某人感到天旋地转 I was pouring with sweat, and my head was spinning. 我大汗淋漓,头晕目眩。 The room started to spin. 房间开始旋转。3  situation/information 情况/信息 [transitive] to describe a situation or information in a way that is intended to influence the way people think about it – used especially about what politicians or business people do 有倾向地陈述〔尤用于指政客和商人所做的事〕 Supporters attempted to spin the bill’s defeat to their advantage. 支持者试图用对自己有利的说法来解释议案被否决一事。4  spin a tale/story/yarn LIE/TELL A LIEto tell a story, especially using a lot of imagination 编造故事 She spun a story about a trip to Athens to meet one of the authors. 她编了一个故事,说是去雅典见了其中的一位作者。5. wool/cotton 羊毛/棉花 [intransitive, transitive]TIM to make cotton, wool etc into thread by twisting it 将〔棉花、羊毛等〕纺成〔线〕,纺〔线〕6  drive 驾驶 [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] writtenFAST/QUICK to drive or travel quickly 飞驰,疾驰 SYN speedspin past/along etc Barbara spun past in her new sports car. 芭芭拉开着她那辆新跑车飞驰而过。7  spin your wheels American English to continue trying to do something without having any success 一直努力但毫无效果 I felt like I was just spinning my wheels trying to make him understand. 我感觉想要让他明白简直是在白费力气。8. wet clothes 湿衣服 [transitive] British EnglishDHC to get water out of clothes using a machine after you have washed them 〔用机器〕甩干;使脱水,旋干9. insect 昆虫 [transitive]HBI if a spider or insect spins a web or cocoon, it produces thread to make it 〔蜘蛛〕吐丝结网;〔昆虫〕吐丝作茧10 spin off phrasal verb BBCto make part of a company into a separate and partly independent company, or to become a separate company (使)从〔原来公司〕脱离出去spin something ↔ off At the time of the merger, Loral spun off its space divisions into a separate firm. 合并时,洛雷尔公司让它的太空部脱离出去组成一家独立的公司。 from Lucent spun off from AT&T several years ago. 几年前朗讯从美国电话电报公司分离出来。 → spin-off(2)11 spin out phrasal verb a) LONG TIME spin something ↔ out British English to make something continue for longer than is necessary 〔不必要地〕拖长,拖延 SYN drag out I’m paid by the hour, so I spin the work out as long as I can. 我拿计时工资,所以我就尽量把工作拖长。b) spin something ↔ outSPEND MONEY British English to use money, food etc as carefully and slowly as possible, because you do not have very much of it 尽可能延长使用〔钱、食物等〕spin something ↔ out over I’ve only got £10 left, so we’ll have to spin it out over the whole week. 我只剩 10 英镑,所以我们必须省着用,过完这一周。c) American English if a car spins out, the driver loses control of it and the car spins around 〔汽车〕打滑失控→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusspin• November 21 A whirlpool of mutual hatred With accelerating fury the Middle East's cycle of violence spins.• They simply spin a silken sling to attach themselves to a twig.• On the sidewalk, children took turns spinning a top.• I sat back and watched the ceiling fan spin above me.• The boy was spinning around in his father's desk chair.• The ice skater began to spin faster and faster.• The village has a reputation for spinning fine wool yarn.• Witnesses recalled a clap of wood and the sight of Bailey plunging toward the ground, then his dangling body spinning hard.• The wheels where spinning in the mud, but the car wouldn't move.• We spin on an axis, or tilt, of about 23. 5 degrees from the sun.• They spun round undisturbed in front of the nuclear power stations for several hours.• He spun the dial on the padlock right, then left, then right again.• Spin the wheel of the bicycle to make sure that it is fastened correctly.spin (something/somebody) around• He grabbed the wall for balance, and it spun him around.• We watched you bumble after pigeons, squeal as sun and air and Humber spun you around.• You two being newlyweds, she just spun him around and aimed him at me.• Delaney spun her around - and gagged.• By this time, Agent Price had also spun his car around and was headed southeast toward Oglala.• All the heavy materials came from junk spinning somewhere around in the solar system.• She spun me around, lifted Janir out of the carrier and immediately opened her shirt.• It is like the mind spinning a cocoon around the I and Thou.spin past/along etc• The world could not spin past these dry, hot days.Related topics: Sportspin2 noun  1  turning 旋转 [countable]TURN an act of turning around quickly 快速旋转 the Earth’s spin 地球的自转 The Russian skater finished her routine with a series of spins. 这名俄罗斯滑冰运动员以一连串的快速旋转结束了全套动作。2  car 汽车 [singular] informalTRAVEL a short trip in a car for pleasure 〔乘车〕兜风 SYN drive Let’s go for a spin in the country. 我们开车到乡下去兜兜风吧。 Do you want to take my car for a spin? 你想开我的车去兜兜风吗?3. ball 球 [uncountable]DS if you put spin on a ball in a game such as tennis or cricket, you deliberately make the ball turn very quickly so that it is difficult for your opponent to hit 〔网球、板球等的〕旋转(球)4  information 消息 [singular, uncountable]PERSUADE the way someone, especially a politician or business person, talks about information or a situation, especially in order to influence the way people think about it 〔尤指政客或商人的〕导向性陈述,带倾向性的说法 They tried to put a positive spin on the sales figures. 他们试图美化销售数字。 → spin doctor5. aircraft 飞机 [singular] if an aircraft goes into a spin, it falls suddenly, turning around and around 〔往下〕旋冲,快速螺旋下降6  in/into a (flat) spin CONFUSEDWORRIEDif you are in a spin, you are very confused and anxious 陷入恐慌,变得惊慌失措 The sudden fall on the stock market sent brokers into a spin. 股市突然下跌使经纪人惊慌失措。7. WET CLOTHES 湿衣服give something a spin British EnglishDHC to turn clothes around very fast in a machine to remove water from them 〔用机器〕给衣服脱水,把衣服甩干Examples from the Corpusspin• The tundras will drag you into a spin.• Once again his weakness against spin was exposed when Bandara bowled him with a leg-break.• Bicycle riders performed dangerous spins and flips off ramps and curved walls.• For the moment just note that electron spin provides a second example of a two-dimensional state vector space in quantum mechanics.• A win will prove them wrong and put a whole new spin on this season.• What we would like to see is more realistic policies and less Labour Party spin.• The senator was determined to put a positive spin on the affair.• He made a quick spin to avoid the oncoming player.• Nixon lived long enough after his Watergate humiliation to put his own revisionist spin on his history.• the spin of a propeller• Whatever spin the government tries to put on it, this can be seen as nothing less that a massive defeat.take ... for a spin• He woke at tea time and took Lily for a spin in the car.• She was obviously impatient to be taken out for a spin even though there was hardly puff enough to stir her anemometer.• Car joy: Prince Charles presented a £54,000 hi-tech van to disabled man who then took him for a spin.• I'd like to take it for a spin.put a ... spin on• A win will prove them wrong and put a whole new spin on this season.• He puts a good spin on things.• Rule No. 1 of scandal hunting is that you must not put an obviously partisan spin on things.• They sat in ragged groups at their foxholes, some of them silent, others putting moral spin on the day.• Washington was also eager to put its own spin on the news it was imparting.• Another liberty Webster extended to himself was putting his own spin on definitions.From Longman Business Dictionaryspinspin /spɪn/ verb (past tense and past participle spun /spʌn/, present participle spinning) → spin something ↔ off→ See Verb tableOrigin spin1 Old English spinnanspin1 verbspin2 nounChinese  around or very to and around to Corpus quickly, turn Business




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