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单词 special licence
释义  Related topics: Law, Christianityˌspecial ˈlicence noun [countable, uncountable] British English  SCLRRCspecial permission given by the Church of England for a marriage to take place at a time or place not usually allowed 结婚特许证〔英国教会颁发的特别许可证,允许人们在通常不准结婚的时间或地点办理结婚〕Examples from the Corpusspecial licence• He bragged that he needed a special licence to bring it on the bus.• Each brothel has to obtain a special licence from the police and the names of the women must also be registered.• You can be married more quickly with a special licence but that will cost you £80.• On May 11 Maisie and Thomas were married by special licence at Dunfermline.ˌspecial ˈlicence nounChineseSyllable   Corpus a by of Church the permission special given England for




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