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单词 sniff
释义  Related topics: Drug culturesniff1 /snɪf/ ●●○ verb  1  [intransitive]BREATHE to breathe air into your nose noisily, for example when you are crying or have a cold 〔因哭泣、感冒等大声地〕以鼻吸气;抽鼻子 Margaret sniffed miserably and nodded. 玛格丽特可怜地抽泣着点了点头。 Stop sniffing and blow your nose. 别抽鼻子了,擤一擤鼻涕。2  [intransitive, transitive]SMELL to breathe air in through your nose in order to smell something 嗅,闻 He opened the milk and sniffed it. 他打开牛奶闻了闻。sniff at The dog was sniffing at the carpet. 这条狗在嗅地毯。3  [transitive]SAY to say something in a way that shows you think something is not good enough 嗤之以鼻地说,轻蔑地说 ‘Is that all?’ she sniffed. “就那些?”她不屑地说道。4  [transitive]MDD to take a harmful drug by breathing it up your nose 用鼻子吸入〔有害药物〕 → snort kids who sniff glue 吸胶毒的孩子5 sniff at something phrasal verb a) something is not to be sniffed at spoken used to say that something is good enough to be accepted or considered seriously 某事值得接受[认真考虑],某事不可轻视 An 8% salary increase is not to be sniffed at. 的加薪不可不考虑呀。b) to refuse something in a proud way, or behave as if something is not good enough for you 对…不以为然[不当回事] He sniffed at my choice of restaurants and suggested his own favorite. 他对我挑选的餐馆不以为然,提出去他喜欢的那家。6 sniff something ↔ out phrasal verb a) SMELLto discover or find something by its smell 靠嗅觉发现,嗅出 A customs officer came round with a dog to sniff out drugs. 一名海关官员带了一条狗过来嗅探毒品。b) informalFIND OUT to find out or discover something 找出;发现;发觉 Vic’s been trying to sniff out where you went last night. 维克一直在打听昨晚你去了什么地方。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussniff• "I'm sorry I got so upset, '' she sniffed.• "It looks overcooked, " she sniffed.• She sniffed a few times and stopped crying.• The dog raised its nose in the air, sniffed, and then started to follow the scent.• I could hear him sniff as he went before me.• It sniffed at the ground and stood, dejected, motionless.• The dog was rushing around excitedly, sniffing at the ground.• For a moment he sniffed at the roots.• Some youngsters who sniff have accidents while they are intoxicated and some suffer damage to their health.• Otto looked around quickly to make sure no one was looking and then sniffed his armpits.• He sniffed his hand again, then shook his head.• Stop sniffing! Use your handkerchief.• The number of youngsters sniffing varies from place to place and at different times.• Varney sniffed, wiped his nose with his hand and backed his other foot into the water.sniff at• Rex, the dog, was sniffing at the carpet.sniff2 noun [countable]  1  BREATHESMELLwhen you breathe in air noisily through your nose, for example in order to smell something, because you have a cold, or in order to show your disapproval 抽鼻子;哼 a sniff of disapproval 哼一声表示反对 She gave a loud sniff. 她很响地抽了一下鼻子。2  British English informal a small amount or sign of something 少许;一丝迹象 SYN hintsniff of He got us into this mess, and then left at the first sniff of trouble! 他给我们惹了这样的麻烦,然后一看情况不妙就溜之大吉了!3. have a sniff around/round British English informal to examine a place carefully 仔细检查4  not get a sniff of something British English informal to not have any chance of getting something or being successful 毫无希望得到某物;毫无〔成功〕的希望 He never even got a sniff of the target. 他根本连这个目标的边儿都没沾上。Examples from the Corpussniff• His mother gave a sniff and asked if he had been smoking in his bedroom.• Stamford have given me a list of local McCloys and there again not a sniff as far as they know.• Ed leaned forwards and took a sniff.• She took a sniff of those leather seats, and that was it, she was in there, feeling them up.• She turned back to her companions with a sniff.• Filmer could go in and out of the Westin without a sniff of fresh air, and probably had.• A sniff of tea, a whiff of biscuits, and there would soon be a crowd.• A dab with a handkerchief and an early morning sniff was my subterfuge.Origin sniff1 (1300-1400) From the soundsniff1 verbsniff2 nounChinese  for breathe when into to your nose noisily, air Corpus example




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