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单词 snake oil
释义  ˈsnake oil noun [uncountable] especially American English informal  1. something that is claimed to be a solution to a problem, but is not effective 狗皮膏药〔声称能解决某问题但实际无效的东西〕2. snake oil salesman/peddler informal someone who deceives people by persuading them to accept false information, solutions that are not effective etc 招摇撞骗者,江湖骗子Examples from the Corpussnake oil• For all his odd and scary views, Buchanan has played the fear card like a snake oil salesman hawking eternal life.• Perhaps, when the shouting from snake oil salesmen subsides, our leaders will find a way to forge a bipartisan solution.ˈsnake oil nounChineseSyllable  be solution is claimed a Corpus to that something to




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