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单词 skilful
释义 Word family  noun skill deskilling adjective skilful/skillful skilled ≠ unskilled verb deskill adverb skilfully/skillfully  skil·ful British English, skillful American English /ˈskɪlfəl/ ●●● W2 adjective  1  GOOD ATgood at doing something, especially something that needs special ability or training 有技巧的,熟练的 a skilful footballer 技巧娴熟的足球运动员skilful at (doing) something After a few years, he became very skilful at drawing. 几年以后,他的绘画技艺已经非常纯熟了。2  GOOD ATmade or done very well, showing a lot of ability 制作精良的;处理巧妙的 the skilful use of sound effects 对音响效果的巧妙运用 sensitive and skillful leadership 善解人意、手腕巧妙的领导才能 —skilfully adverb She had used make-up skilfully to mask the bruise. 她用巧妙的化妆把瘀伤遮住了。 THESAURUSskilful British English, skillful American English good at doing something, especially something that needs special ability or training 有技巧的,熟练的a skilful player 技巧嫺熟的球员the artist's skillful use of color 艺术家对色彩的巧妙运用nSuccess in business depends on skilful management.good at something able to do something well 善于做某事Maria is extremely good at her job. 玛丽亚对她的工作得心应手。He was very good at swimming. 他游泳游得非常好。I'm not very good at Maths. 我数学不是很好。skilled having a lot of training and experience, and able to do a job well 有技能的,熟练的There is a demand for carpenters and other skilled craftsmen. 现在需要木工以及其他熟练工匠。The country needs highly skilled foreign workers. 这个国家需要高技能的外来劳工。Our advisors are skilled at dealing with financial problems. 我们的顾问善于处理财务方面的问题。talented having a natural ability to do something well 有天赋的a talented artist 有天赋的艺术家She's an exceptionally talented student. 她是个才华出众的学生。gifted having a great natural ability, which few people have 天才的a gifted writer 天才作家a gifted player 有天赋的球员a special school for gifted children 专门招收天才儿童的学校very skilful 技能高超的accomplished very skilful because you have had a lot of experience of doing something – used especially about musicians, artists, performers etc 〔尤指音乐家、画家、演艺人员等〕有造诣的,有才艺的a highly accomplished pianist 一位造诣精深的钢琴家She is one of the most accomplished theatre performers. 她是最有才华的戏剧演员之一。nShe's a popular dancer, and very extremely skilful and having a lot of knowledge about doing something 内行的,专家的He was an expert skier. 他是滑雪高手。Students learn to cook French food with the help of expert chefs. 学生在名厨指导下学做法国菜。Politicians are expert at deflecting criticism. 政客们都善于转移批评。virtuoso [only before noun] extremely skilful and impressive – used especially about musicians, performers, or performances 〔尤指音乐家、演艺人员或表演〕技艺高超的,精湛的a virtuoso violinist 小提琴演奏大师The team gave a virtuoso performance in the final. 球队在决赛中的表现极为精彩。Examples from the Corpusskilful• We both employed local Arussi as trackers, some of whom were very skilful and all of whom were tireless.• Skilful and confident, Donaldson should become one of the game's best players.• Fanciful though this may sound, Blackburn is a skilful and subtle enough writer to pull it off.• But the Schuberts are a skilful bunch - real grown-up musicians with a fantastic sense of performance.• With one fierce and skilful kick of his aching foot he will mend a deep concavity in the refrigerator's flank.• Success in business depends on skilful management.• Finally we were told that a team had been formed but that it contained no skilful players, we remained sceptical!• He established Swindon as one of the most skilful sides outside the top flight before a frustrating switch to Tyneside.• Just as only a caterpillar can become a butterfly, the formal stage seems a necessary developmental step to the skilful stage.• Sembene Ousmane is a story-teller and a skilful writer who can carry you along with the drama and the atmosphere regardless of subject.skilful at (doing) something• In this sense they have become highly skilful at enacting such rules.skil·ful adjective →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  special that especially at something Corpus needs doing ability something, good




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