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单词 size
释义  Related topics: Clothes & fashionsize1 /saɪz/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  1  how big 有多大 [countable, uncountable]SIZE how big or small something is 大小,尺寸;规模 He’s a small boy, about John’s size. 他是个小男孩,个子和约翰差不多。 The Jensens’ house is about the same size as ours. 詹森的房子和我们的差不多大。size of The firm underestimated the size of the market for their new product. 公司低估了他们新产品的市场规模。 I saw a spider the size of (=the same size as) my hand in the backyard. 我在后院看到一只有我手那么大的蜘蛛。 He’s quite a big dog, but he’s still not full size yet. 这条狗体型很大,但还没有长足。in size The apartment is roughly 360 square feet in size. 这套公寓的面积大约有 360 平方英尺。(of) that/this size (=as big as that or this) 那么/这么大的 In a class this size, there are bound to be a few troublemakers. 在这么大的一个班里,必然会有几个捣蛋鬼。 We can’t give loans of that size to just anyone. 我们不能把这样大的一笔贷款贷给随便什么人。in all/different/various (shapes and) sizes These phones come in all shapes and sizes. 这些电话机有各种形状和大小。good/fair/nice size (=fairly big) 相当大 The breakfast room is a good size. 这个早餐室相当大。2  very big 很大的 [uncountable]BIG used to say that something is very big 庞大,巨大size of I can’t believe the size of her car! 我简直不敢相信,她的车好大啊! The sheer size of the classes makes learning difficult for students. 班级这么大,给学生的学习造成了困难。3  clothes/goods 衣服/商品 [countable]DCSIZE one of a set of standard measures according to which clothes and other goods are produced and sold 尺码,号 These shoes are one size too big. 这双鞋子大了一码。 The shirts come in three sizes: small, medium, and large. 这些衬衣有三个尺码: 小号、中号和大号。 Do you have these pants in a size 12? 这裤子有 12 号的吗?4  large-sized/medium-sized/pocket-size etc of a particular size, or about the same size and shape as something 大型/中型/袖珍型等的 a medium-sized car 中型汽车 a pocket-size mirror 小镜子good-sized/fair-sized/decent-sized (=big enough for a particular purpose) 足够大的5  do something to size DHif you cut, make, or prepare something to size, you make it the right size for a particular use 把某物做成合适的尺寸 The materials will be provided, and everything is already cut to size. 材料会提供好,并且全部都已经剪成合适的尺寸。6. that’s about the size of it spokenAGREE used to agree that someone’s description of a situation is correct 情况大约就是这样〔用于赞同某人的说法〕7. paste 浆料 [uncountable] (also sizing) a thick sticky liquid used for giving stiffness and a shiny surface to cloth, paper etc, or used to prepare walls for wallpaper 〔用于使纸张、布料等坚挺有光泽,或用于贴墙纸的〕胶料,浆料 → cut somebody down to size at cut down, → try something on for size at try1(2)n COLLOCATIONSadjectivesthe same sizeThe water vole is about the same size as a rat.a different sizeSix towns of different sizes were selected for the research.a good/fair/nice size (=fairly big)The garden is a good size.the small size of somethingOne problem was the very small size of the department.the large size of somethingThey are very peaceful fish, despite their large size.the sheer size of something (=used to emphasize that something is large)The sheer size of some dinosaurs is amazing.something’s original sizeThe lake has already shrunk to half its original size.full size (=the largest size that something can have)Is this violin full size?phrasesbe twice the size of somethingThe creature was about twice the size of a small half the size of somethingKosovo is about half the size of Wales. THESAURUSsize noun [countable, uncountable] how big someone or something is 大小;尺寸;规模What size is that shirt? 那件衬衫是多大尺寸?The price will depend on the size and quality of the carpet. 价钱要视地毯的大小和质量而定。nYour desk is exactly the same size as mine.nFire has destroyed an area of forest the size of Luxembourg.nThe seeds are very small, about half the size of a grain of salt.nThere were several pieces of wood of different sizes.nCover the dough and allow it to rise until it has doubled in size.nThe black spots on her skin seemed to be slowly increasing in size.nThe American states vary enormously in size, from very large to very small.nIn a class this size, there will always be a few problems.dimensions noun [plural] the length, width, and height of an object, room, building etc 复数] the length, width, and height of an object, room, building etc〔物体、房间、建筑物等的〕长宽高,尺寸What are the dimensions of the table? 这张桌子的长宽高是多少?measurements noun [plural] the length, width, or height of something, or of someone’s body 长度,宽度,高度5My waist measurement is 31 inches.我的腰围是31英寸。I need to check the measurements of the window. 我需要核实窗户的尺寸。nYour waist measurement is 31 inches.nThe nurse took my measurements.proportions noun [plural] the relative sizes of the different parts of an object, room, building etc 〔物体、房间、建筑物等各部分尺寸的〕比例The proportions don’t look right to me. 我看比例不对。nYou can sit in the Plaza and admire the proportions of the cathedral.area noun [countable, uncountable] the amount of space that a flat surface such as a floor or field covers 〔一个平面的〕面积To measure the area of a room, you need to multiply the length by the width. 计算房间面积要把长和宽相乘。extent noun [uncountable] the size of a large area 〔一个较大地区的〕面积The extent of the ranch is enormous. 这个农场面积很大。The island measured about 1,600 kilometres in extent. 这个岛的面积约1,600平方公里。bulk noun [uncountable] the very large size of something 〔巨大的〕体积The statue’s massive bulk made it difficult to move. 这尊雕像体积巨大,很难移动它。his enormous bulk 他巨大的块头nThe view was dominated by the huge bulk of the power station.capacity noun [singular] the amount that a container will hold 〔容器的〕容量,容积The capacity of the tank is around 500 gallons. 水箱的容量约为 500 加仑。nThe computer’s memory has a capacity of over 200 megabytes.All the storage units were filled to capacity. 所有的储藏单元都装满了。volume noun [singular] the amount of space that a substance fills, or that an object contains 〔物体的〕体积,容积The average domestic swimming pool has a volume of 45,000 litres. 普通家庭游泳池的容积是45,000升。This instrument measures the volume of air in your lungs. 这个仪器是测肺活量的。nHelp me figure out the volume of this fish tank.nThe shifting of continents has an impact on the volume of water the oceans can contain.Examples from the Corpussize• However, it is possible to produce lexicons of comparable size that relate words to a much smaller number of roots.• There were several pieces of wood of different sizes.• He was incredibly aggressive - it was only his size that stopped me from hitting him.• Cover the dough and allow it to rise until it has doubled in size.• The American states vary enormously in size, from very large to very small.• The black spots on her skin seemed to be slowly increasing in size.• He smoothed the bills out, lined the coins up on top of his thigh, in size order.• The bureaucratic style can be very efficient in a stable environment and when the organisation is of a large size.• Jensens' house is about the same size as ours.• Your desk is exactly the same size as mine.• The sheer size of the building was amazing.• They shouldn't keep a dog of that size in such a small apartment.• Many above ground filters make outrageous claims about the size of pond they can treat.• Look at the size of that house!• Fire has destroyed an area of forest the size of Luxembourg.• The general thinking was it would be about half the size of what it announced, about 20,000.• The seeds are very small, about half the size of a grain of salt.• The price will depend on the size and quality of the carpet.• There are restrictions on the size and weight of packages we can ship.• I hadn't realized the size of the problem until now.• Bodacious and Bonemeal chewed rawhide strips the size of ceiling molding.• It was three times the size of the Jamestown colony that was founded in 1607.• The use of rollers of varying size, colour and shape might be spontaneously sorted into trays provided.• What size is that shirt?• What size shoes does Kelly wear?good/fair/nice size• Buying loose bulbs enables you to choose those which are a good size and not damaged or soft.• I used to be a good size.• The younger ones are more gaudy and of course a better size for aquariums.• All the rooms at the Yahsi Beach are of a good size and have private facilities and balconies.• Male speaker It's a good size.• The ledger was a fair size, and surely couldn't easily escape her.• It offers good size accommodation, benefiting from three good bedrooms, two separate reception rooms and partial gas fired central heating.• Usually we can never get great big pumpkins but you can get some pretty good sized pumpkins.sheer size• The last cushion the big studios can rely on is sheer size.• The most impressive thing about the diamond is its sheer size.• He was slightly taken aback by the sheer size of the girl.• One of the difficulties is the sheer size of the family.• I grow bored with the sheer size of the glass and have to force myself to continue, he wrote.• The sheer size of the pancakes is truly astounding.• The sheer size of the sanctuary represented Mount Meru, the mythical Olympus on which the gods were believed to live.• You practically needed a stepladder to get their autographs, and their sheer size and strength was intimidating and overwhelming.• The problem was their sheer size.size2 verb [transitive]  1  GROUP/PUT INTO GROUPSto sort things according to their size 按大小把…分类 Shrimp are sized and selected for canning. 虾按大小分类制成罐头。2  to make something into a particular size or sizes 按一定大小制作 Most costume patterns are sized for children. 大多数化装服的纸样是按儿童尺寸制作的。n Grammar Size is usually passive in this meaning.3. to put size1(7) on a wall before decorating 〔装潢前〕给…上胶料[上浆,上涂料]4 size somebody/something ↔ up phrasal verb JUDGEto look at or consider a person or situation and make a judgment about them 估计,估量,判断 SYN assess It only took a few seconds for her to size up the situation. 她只用几秒钟就对情况作出了判断。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussize• Shrimp are sized for canning into large, medium and small.• He had sized me up, he later explained, and had decided to take me under his wing.• For watercolourists, it is critical to find a paper that is perfectly sized, so washes simply shimmer on the surface.Origin size1 (1100-1200) Old French assise “sitting to make a legal judgment or a judgment on standard amounts”, from asseoir “to seat”size1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1size2 verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChinese  small is how Corpus big or something




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