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单词 shellfish
释义  Related topics: Foodldoce_299_dshell·fish /ˈʃelˌfɪʃ/ noun (plural shellfish) [countable, uncountable]  DFan animal that lives in water, has a shell, and can be eaten as food, for example crabs, lobsters, and oysters 水生有壳动物 →5  See picture of clams 蛤, mussel 贻贝, oysters 牡蛎 ...Examples from the Corpusshellfish• Shellfish shippers are certified and each package of shellfish should bear the certificate number of the shipper.• Tightly wrap or store in covered containers all cooked meat, poultry, and fish and shellfish and refrigerate them promptly.• Specialities are fresh fish and shellfish.• Fish and shellfish or dairy foods could show up daily, but would be optional.• He studies phytoplankton toxins that are eaten by shellfish, which then become potent vectors of these toxins paralytic to humans.• Tests on 16 fossilised shellfish showed that acid dating is as accurate as carbon dating.• The most expensive item consisted of several kinds of shellfish in a sauce and sounded as if it was better·fish nounChineseSyllable  in Corpus water, that lives an animal has a




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