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单词 shameful
释义 Word family  noun shame shamefulness shamelessness adjective ashamed ≠ unashamed shameful shameless verb shame adverb shamefully ≠ shamelessly  shame·ful /ˈʃeɪmfəl/ adjective  ASHAMEDshameful behaviour or actions are so bad that someone should feel ashamed 〔行为〕可耻的,丢脸的 It’s shameful the way some people treat their pets. 有些人如此对待自己的宠物,真 是可耻。 a shameful family secret 家丑 —shamefully adverb —shamefulness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusshameful• They say at least half the evictions are equal parts sham and shameful.• It was shameful, almost unbelievable, but she still wanted him.• Divorce is no longer so shameful and is popularly seen as a permissible solution to marital difficulties.• I am both the ruined harvest and the shameful blood that sickens cattle.• Scarcely able to believe his ears, Ramsay listened to this shameful catalogue.• Once a shadowy misfortune families hid as if it were shameful, depression is becoming just another slice of the health-care business.• A shameful flock formed round the padre.• The man on the sidewalk and I share only a shameful past and perhaps a strain of gonococcus.• This is a shameful waste of our natural resources.shame·ful adjectiveChineseSyllable  that actions so Corpus or shameful behaviour should someone are bad




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