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单词 sexuality
释义 Word family  noun sex sexism sexist sexuality sexiness bisexual bisexuality homosexual homosexuality adjective sexist sexual bisexual homosexual sexy sexless verb sex adverb sexually sexily  sex·u·al·i·ty /ˌsekʃuˈæləti/ ●●○ AWL noun [uncountable]  SYSEX/HAVE SEX WITHthe things people do, think, and feel that are related to their sexual desires 性欲;性能力;性行为male/female sexuality a study of male sexuality 对男性性行为的研究Examples from the Corpussexuality• One account specifies reproduction as a sexuality as the prime cosmogonic factor.• But escalation is not usually associated with adult sexuality.• With their mix of male and female imagery, snakes are sexuality incarnate.• She has written a fascinating book on female sexuality.• Do you think specific arts events should receive public funding, or are you unhappy about gay sexuality being publicised.• a study of human sexuality• They told the Senate Armed Services Committee that the scandal amounted to an abuse of power, not sexuality.• The question of sexuality further complicates racialized encounters, such as racial harassment and violence.• Gradually he came to understand and accept his own sexuality.• Teenagers are often confused about their sexuality, for example whether they are gay or straight.• Society is ambivalent about recognising that elderly people have a legitimate wish to continue to express their sexuality in physical ways.• Their dangerous, uncontrolled sexuality is destined to be muted by the life-long practice of inhuman austerities and self-denial.male/female sexuality• Blackwell's radical ideas point to the tentative beginnings of a discourse on active female sexuality.• I knew how to drop into the stereotypes we learn as female sexuality ...• A dread of black male sexuality remains.• The physical expression of female sexuality is her monthly period and its triumph lies in her giving birth.• And it would give us a new understanding of the statues with phallic necks or other representations of male sexuality.• And we really don't get a sense of male sexuality in non-fictional or non-entertainment media, do we?• Rather than a brief performance, female sexuality is a long, unfolding process.• Untamed, they can indulge their short-term and promiscuous male sexuality and many·u·al·i·ty nounChineseSyllable  that related people things the and do, are feel think, Corpus




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