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单词 self-awareness
释义  ˌself-aˈwareness noun [uncountable]  KNOW somethingknowledge and understanding of yourself 自知,自我了解,自我认识 SYN self-knowledge —self-aware adjectiveExamples from the Corpusself-awareness• A generation loses itself in an inner world of feeling and self-awareness, oblivious of outside forces.• For most of us, however, positive thinking and self-awareness can be learned.• Between the two lies balanced self-awareness.• Steiner promotes greater self-awareness in her books.• Which has the greater self-awareness, a fish or a four-month-old foetus?• This process can be painful and revealing but it leads to greater self-awareness - the first step to unambiguous communication.• Second, the process of increasing self-awareness is itself an essential prerequisite for emotional health.• But history is a vital element in national self-awareness.• Only liberal applications of self-awareness, preferably with some therapeutic detergent, will enable you to leave it at home.ˌself-aˈwareness nounChineseSyllable  of and knowledge understanding Corpus yourself




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