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单词 beneficiary
释义 Word family  noun benefit beneficiary adjective beneficial verb benefit adverb beneficially  Related topics: Lawben·e·fi·cia·ry /ˌbenəˈfɪʃəri $ -ˈfɪʃieri/ ●○○ AWL noun (plural beneficiaries) [countable]  1  GETsomeone who gets advantages from an action or change 受益者,受惠者beneficiary of The rich were the main beneficiaries of the tax cuts. 富人是这次减税的主要受益者。2  SCLsomeone who receives money or property from someone else who has died 遗产继承人,〔遗嘱的〕受益人beneficiary of He was the chief beneficiary of his father’s will. 他是他父亲遗嘱的主要受益人。Examples from the Corpusbeneficiary• Both sides, the benefactor and beneficiary, were equally needy.• Single mothers will be the chief beneficiaries of this new policy.• And they, the despised and rejected of the earth, were both its beneficiaries and its heralds.• The legal costs will be paid from your Estate so there will be less to divide between relatives and other beneficiaries.• In practice, beneficiary households have to pool their meager grants in order to buy a farm from a willing seller.• The trustee has a legal interest in the property; the beneficiaries have an equitable interest.• How were local economic development strategies carried out, what were their outcomes and impacts, and who were their beneficiaries?beneficiary of• He was the main beneficiary of his father's will.• the beneficiary of U.S. aidFrom Longman Business Dictionarybeneficiaryben‧e‧fi‧cia‧ry /ˌbenəˈfɪʃəri-ˈfɪʃieri/ noun (plural beneficiaries) [countable]1LAWINSURANCE a person who receives money or property from someone who has diedDorothy’s son was her sole beneficiary.2any person or organization that gets an advantage or help from somethingOil companies were the main beneficiaries of the budget.ben·e·fi·cia·ry nounChineseSyllable   Business action Corpus from who advantages gets an someone or




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