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单词 seduce
释义  se·duce /sɪˈdjuːs $ -ˈduːs/ ●○○ verb [transitive]  1  SEX/HAVE SEX WITHto persuade someone to have sex with you, especially in a way that is attractive and not too direct 诱奸,勾引 The professor was sacked for seducing female students. 这个首席讲师因诱奸女学生而被解雇。 Are you trying to seduce me? 你是在勾引我吗?2  ATTRACTto make someone want to do something by making it seem very attractive or interesting to them 引诱,诱使 I was young and seduced by New York. 我当时年轻,抵挡不住纽约的诱惑。seduce somebody into doing something Leaders are people who can seduce other people into sharing their dream. 领导人就是要能够说服别人来共同实现他们的梦想。n Grammar Seduce is often passive in this meaning.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusseduce• She struggled to submit to them, only to be seduced.• Every time he seduces a fresh female, he wins the jackpot of her investment in his sons and daughters.• Thus she thinks that there is a close correlation between the men she can seduce and the men she might marry.• She had been seduced by a man who deserted her and went off to sea.• You look up one entry and are immediately seduced by adjacent items, just out of curiosity.• A majority of law school graduates are seduced by the huge salaries offered by large firms.• Hunt was seduced by the lure of fame and show business.• Never mind nature taking its course, it sounds as though you're plotting to seduce him.• He accused Paul of trying to seduce his daughter.• I knew perfectly well when I allowed Karen Parsons to seduce me that I was not acting rightly.• TV advertisements seduce people into buying a particular kind of chocolate bar, washing powder or car.• But a young princess can seduce the vast majority of men.• The government has been accused of bringing down taxes simply as a means of seducing voters.Origin seduce (1400-1500) Latin seducere “to lead away”, from ducere “to lead”se·duce verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  sex persuade have especially Corpus to you, in to a with someone




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