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单词 bendy
释义  bend·y /ˈbendi/ adjective  1  BENDeasy to bend 易弯曲的 SYN flexible a bendy rubber doll 容易弯折的橡皮娃娃2  BENDwith many curves or angles 弯弯曲曲的 OPP straight a bendy road 一条弯弯曲曲的路Examples from the Corpusbendy• The drivers roared round tight corners and skilfully navigated a twisty, bendy and muddy course.• He struggled and cried, his arms as bendy as rubber.• Its tail dangled useless, like the broken arm of a bendy rubber doll.• Press the mouth end of the bendy straws into each ball to secure.• It's bendy, you can make it into any shape, you know the one?bend·y adjectiveChineseSyllable  bend Corpus easy to




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