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单词 score
释义 Word family  noun score scorer adjective scoreless verb score outscore  Related topics: Sport, Musicscore1 /skɔː $ skɔːr/ ●●● S2 W2 noun [countable]  1  in a game 在比赛中DSRESULT the number of points that each team or player has won in a game or competition 〔比赛中的〕得分,比分 At half-time the score was one all. 半场时的比分是一比一。 What’s the score? 比分是多少? Is anybody keeping score (=making a record of the score)? 有没有人负责记分? The final score was Southampton two, Leeds United nil. 最后的比分是二比零,南安普敦队击败利兹联队。score of a score of 3–2 3比2的比分2  in a test or experiment 在考试或实验中 a) the number of points a student has earned for correct answers in a test 〔学生考试的〕分数,成绩 The school’s test scores have not improved. 这所学校的考试成绩没有提高。score of a score of 90% 百分制的90分 b) the number of points that a person or group of people gets in a scientific test or experiment 〔科学测验或实验的〕得分score of He had an IQ score of 120. 他的智商为120。3  music 音乐APM a written or printed copy of a piece of music, especially for a large group of performers, or the music itself 乐谱 a musical score 乐谱 Who wrote the score for the movie? 这部电影的配乐是谁谱写的?4  on that score spokenSITUATION concerning the particular thing you have just mentioned 关于那一点,关于那个问题 As for the cost, you don’t need to worry on that score. 至于费用,你不需要为这个问题操心。5  know the score informalKNOW something to know the real facts of a situation, including any unpleasant ones 知道事情真相,了解实情 We are trying to attract managers who know the score. 我们在设法把了解实情的经理们吸引过来。6  settle a score REVENGEto do something to harm or hurt someone who has harmed or hurt you in the past 报宿怨,算旧账 Jack came back after five years to settle some old scores. 杰克在五年之后回来清算旧账。7  mark 记号MARK a mark that has been cut onto a surface with a sharp tool 刻痕,划痕 deep scores in the wood 木头上一道道很深的划痕Examples from the Corpusscore• Scores on standardized tests have been steadily falling over the past ten years.• After two hours and twenty minutes of play, the final score was 3-2.• The final score was 2-1 to Juventus.• The final score went up on the scoreboard, and the crowd let out a roar.• Individual scores were then aggregated to derive shift, department, division, and plant totals.• a jazz score• We provide parents with reading and math scores and high school placements.• These words would all have the same or a very similar score and would combine exponentially into word paths.• Average test scores have fallen in recent years.• Students at King elementary generally have the highest test scores in the city.• At the end of the game, the score was 32-15.• With only nine seconds left to go, the score is tied at 82.• What was the score?• Williams has written the score for many of Spielberg's movies.• The score of 87 represents low or below-average academic aptitude.• The score at half-time was 12-18.• Before, archery was a series of flights of shooters aiming at a target and counting up their scores.• On this score they were identical to the preceding game: slow starters with a propensity to give away simple penalties.• Rentokil's total score was 71.33 out of a possible 90 points.keeping score• They are keeping scores of officials under house arrest in the hotel.• Maynard Bolster, wintering from Kalispell, Mont., is in his customary seat, dutifully keeping score.• It became obvious from a number of research studies that employees enjoyed keeping score.• The number of records sold was a way of keeping score.• Now lobbyists sit right in the Committee room keeping score.• For those keeping score, that's rock bottom in 6 of 10 categories.test scores• One widely cited study has suggested that piano training at age 3 may improve some academic test scores.• The demands for higher test scores seem to emphasize speed and coverage, not depth of understanding or commitment.• However, test scores for 14-year-olds have remained constant at 55 per cent.• Teachers are under pressure to improve test scores.• I would want people to look not only at my test scores hut at my entire application.• This may simply involve calculating correlations between two sets of test scores.• It refers in general to the confidence the tester can attach to decisions based on the test scores.• Standardized testing for all students on a yearly basis, with test scores to be reported in the media.• They spend ever more on public education, yet test scores and dropout rates barely budge.Related topics: Sport, Music, Drug culturescore2 ●●● S3 W2 verb  1  win points 得分 [intransitive, transitive]DSSCORE to win a point in a sport, game, competition, or test 〔在运动、比赛或考试中〕得(分) Great cheers went up when he scored in the final minute of the game. 当他在比赛的最后一分钟得分时,人群爆发出了雷鸣般的欢呼。 She scored an average of 9.9 in the test. 这次考试她的平均分是9.9。score a goal/point/run etc He has scored 12 goals so far this season. 这个赛季到目前为止他进了12个球。 →5 see picture at 见图 football2  give points 评分 [transitive] to give a particular number of points in a game, competition, test, or experiment 〔在比赛、考试或实验中〕给…评分,给…打分 SYN mark Each event will be scored separately. 每个项目将单独评分。 Responses to the individual items are scored on a scale ranging from 0 to 12. 每道题的回答都按0到12的标准来打分。3  score points a) (also score off somebody) to say or do something in an attempt to prove that you are better or cleverer than someone else 使自己高出一筹 Too many MPs use debates as a chance to score political points. 有太多的议员把辩论当作在政治上给自己加分的机会。score points over/off Advertising may be used to score points off the competition. 广告宣传可以用来给自己在竞争中增加筹码。 b) informal to do or say something to please someone or to make them respect you 取悦某人;赢得某人尊重score points with You’ll score points with your girlfriend if you send her roses. 给女朋友送玫瑰花可以加深她对你的好感。4  succeed 成功 [intransitive, transitive] informalSUCCESSFUL to be very successful in something you do 获胜,取得(很大成功) Her new book has scored a spectacular success. 她的新书取得了极大的成功。5. have sex 做爱 [intransitive] informalSEX/HAVE SEX WITH to have sex with someone, especially someone you have just met 〔尤指与刚认识的人〕发生性关系6  line 线 [transitive]MARK to mark a line on a piece of paper, wood etc using a sharp instrument 〔用利器〕在…刻痕,在…上画线 Scoring the paper first makes it easier to fold. 先在纸上划一道痕,就比较容易折了。7  music 音乐 [transitive]APM to arrange a piece of music for a group of instruments or voices 为〔一组乐器或几个声部〕配乐,谱曲nbe scored for somethingn The piece is scored for a soprano voice and orchestra.n Grammar Score is usually passive in this meaning.8. get drugs 弄到毒品 [intransitive, transitive] informalMDDBUY to manage to buy or get illegal drugs 非法买到,弄到(毒品)9 score off somebody phrasal verb British English to say or do something in an attempt to prove that you are better or cleverer than someone else 使自己比…高出一筹 He liked scoring off his pupils in his days as a teacher. 他当老师的时候喜欢显本事镇住学生。10.score something ↔ out/through phrasal verb WRITEto draw a line through something that has been written 划掉,删去〔文字〕→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusscore• He scored 12 points and grabbed 14 rebounds.• In the meantime lets be thankful Speedy and Macca are scoring!• Dr. John scored a huge hit with his cover of "Makin' Whoopee."• AC Milan scored a record number of goals this season.• If a Skeleton manages to score a wounding hit on an adventurer, something quite hideous happens.• Van Zandt has scored again with this enjoyable film about young urban types.• Woolley, Callaghan and Peacock scored bursts on the two-seater.• Students who listened to Mozart scored higher on IQ tests than students who took the test in silence.• Did you score last night?• The test was difficult, and no-one scored more than 45 points.• Participants will be scored on their performance in each event.• In Scrabble you score points by making words on the board.• Life is lived for dope, and the whole world circles around scoring, shooting up and scoring again.• The scoring system works like this.• Tottenham scored the first goal of the game.• Kobe looks to score too much rather than get his teammates involved.• San Francisco scored twice in the last ten minutes of the game.• Anyone who scores under 70 percent will have to retake the exam.• Then, the Pistons beat Dallas when Allan Houston scored with less than two seconds remaining.score a goal/point/run etc• When he is good, like he was against Detroit, their offense can score points.• Within the first minute he scored a goal, and another a quarter of an hour later.• Then I know it is my duty to score goals and to bring something to the team.• Even when scoring points at an astonishing pace, no opponent has been knocked out of a game.• It's a simple strategy; score a goal at one end and hope Big Tommy saves you at the other end.• To score runs they had to put bat to ball - a realisation which came all too late.scored ... success• Extreme right-wing parties scored more pronounced successes.• It is good therefore to be able to record that at least one such effort scored a stunning success.• Unkind historians today doubt if they really scored a notable success.• In November 1991, the Jet project scored a major success in its search for a waste free nuclear power.• Labour scored its biggest successes in London, where it gained a dozen seats on an above-average swing of 3.4 percent.Related topics: Numbersscore3 number  1  (plural score)HMN a group of 20, or about 20, people or things 20;20左右a score of something Our coach was escorted by a score of policemen. 我们乘坐的客车有20个警察护送。three score years and ten old use (=70 years, a person’s expected length of life) 人生20年〔指人正常的寿命〕2  scores of something LOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNTa lot of people or things 很多,大量 Scores of victims were killed. 很多受害者被杀。3  by the score in large numbers 大量,许多 Friends came to help by the score. 很多朋友前来帮忙。Examples from the Corpusscore• These words would all have the same or a very similar score and would combine exponentially into word paths.• The score of 87 represents low or below-average academic aptitude.• On this score they were identical to the preceding game: slow starters with a propensity to give away simple penalties.• Individual scores were then aggregated to derive shift, department, division, and plant totals.a score of something• Provisional qualifying requires a score of 5,350.• A score of 5 was awarded for 100 percent presence of the variable and a score of 1 for a minimal presence.• Gilchrist replaced him and made quite a debut-six dismissals and a score of 81.• Smoke from a score of chain-smokers wreathed its funereal patterns.• Aluminium smelters are only one of a score of industries which now pollute the total environment with fluoride emissions and solid wastes.• Only a score of people work at any one time.• We passed about a score of Portosan toilets, which seemed to be all that had been brought in.Origin score1 (1000-1100) Old Norse skor “mark cut into a surface, count, twenty”score1 nounscore2 verb →n GRAMMAR1score3 numberLDOCE OnlineChinese   player that of the team Corpus or each points number




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