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单词 sconce
释义  Related topics: Householdsconce /skɒns $ skɑːns/ noun [countable]  DHan object that is attached to a wall and holds candles or electric lights 壁式烛台;壁灯台Examples from the Corpussconce• Athelstan led Cranston round the church, stopped, and told the coroner to wait until he fetched a sconce torch.• Why hadn't the man left a sconce burning?• I came out here with a sconce torch.• Why are the candle sconces mounted like that on the armrests?• The lamps on it were fake candles, set in sconces like upturned lion's paws.• Using the lantern, Apanage lit candles set in sconces on the wall.• Multi-bracketed candelabra placed along the centre helped the sconce torches to bathe the room in light.• Benjamin pushed me in, locking the door behind us, and lit two sconce torches.Origin sconce (1300-1400) Old French esconse “screen for a light”, from escondre “to hide”, from Latin abscondere; → ABSCONDsconce nounChinese  a Corpus object candles to is attached that an and wall holds




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