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单词 belle
释义  belle /bel/ noun [countable] old-fashioned  WOMANa beautiful girl or woman 美女,美人,佳丽the belle of the ball (=the most beautiful girl at a dance or party) 舞会之花,舞会上最美的女子Examples from the Corpusbelle• Her streaky blonde hair and skimpy bikini were those of a nineteen-year-old beach belle.• a Southern belle• Sarah Stewart is a real Southern belle from Jackson, Mississippi, with long blonde hair and a magnolia drawl.• Among the belles in that house Susan went relatively unnoticed, and could escape the dancing when she chose.the belle of the ball• Caroline was the belle of the ball in her silver and white evening gown.Origin belle (1600-1700) French from the feminine form of beau; → BEAUbelle nounChinese  or beautiful a woman Corpus girl




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