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单词 saddler
释义  Related topics: Craftssad·dler /ˈsædlə $ -ər/ noun [countable]  TICSHOP/STOREsomeone who makes saddles and other leather products, or a shop where these are sold 鞍匠,马具工;马具店Examples from the Corpussaddler• For 75 years or so to 1918, saddler William Watson occupied the foundry before moving to Skinnergate.• Also patrons to cobblers, saddlers, shoemakers, and tanners.• Also patrons of cobblers, leatherworkers, saddlers, and shoemakers.• George Webster was a twenty-four-year-old saddler, the son of John Webster, an Allerthorpe groom.sad·dler nounChineseSyllable  or saddles Corpus who a makes and products, shop someone other leather




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