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单词 royalist
释义 Word family  noun royal royalist royalty adjective royal royalist adverb royally  Related topics: Government, Groupingsroy·al·ist /ˈrɔɪəlɪst/ noun [countable]  PGPPGsomeone who supports their country’s king or queen, or believes that a country should be ruled by kings or queens 保皇主义者;君主主义者 OPP republican —royalist adjectiveExamples from the Corpusroyalist• I have always been and am a royalist.• His decidedly left-wing views clashed with those of his father Mathurin, a blacksmith, who was an ardent royalist.• Thereafter the dispute grew fiercer and was to be further exacerbated by Crowe's royalist and the company's parliamentarian sympathies.• He had his revenge in March 1322, when he was among the royalist army which defeated Lancaster at Boroughbridge.• The chief opposition to the Hun Sen government comes from the royalist party, Funcinpec.• The royalist party is led by Prince Sihanouk's son, Prince Ranariddh.• A thoroughgoing royalist, he was responsible for beheading some of those he captured, apparently after some form of trial.roy·al·ist nounChineseSyllable  believes someone country’s queen, king who or their supports or Corpus




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