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单词 rowboat
释义  Related topics: Waterrow·boat /ˈrəʊbəʊt $ ˈroʊboʊt/ noun [countable]  American EnglishTTW a small boat that you move through the water with oars 划艇,用桨划的小船 SYN British English rowing boatExamples from the Corpusrowboat• And when he took hold of the oars of a rowboat, the rowboat nearly jumped out of the water.• Walter G.. Campbell decided to take a borrowed rowboat through the Whirlpool Rapids and into the vortex itself.• Here and there it was bubbled slightly in the shapes of inverted rowboats.• Contrary to what she expected they poled upriver, far away from the rowboat Amy had found.• Gordy led Ivan into the bow of the rowboat.• That was when I stole the rowboat.• We'd just started talking about all that when the rowboat tipped over.row·boat nounChineseSyllable   move that a small boat you Corpus




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