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单词 rolling
释义 Word family  noun roll roller adjective rolling verb roll unroll  Related topics: Natureroll·ing /ˈrəʊlɪŋ $ ˈroʊ-/ adjective [only before noun]  1. DNrolling hills have many long gentle slopes 〔山〕绵延起伏的 →4  See picture of 见图 LANDSCAPE 12  done or happening regularly over a period of time, not all at once 定期的;周而复始的 We recommend a rolling programme of machine upgrading. 我们推荐一个逐步实施的机器升级方案。Examples from the Corpusrolling• The Economist called it the Consumer-Credit Snowball and pronounced it well and truly rolling.• Little cameos come to mind: The glorious greens of the rolling countryside in the slanting rays of the evening sun.• The castle is set in rolling hills to the north of Orvieto.• He ruled out huge rolling jackpots of up to £20 million, believing they attract crime.• He stood at the top of the hill, admiring the rolling landscape.• In south Glasgow, two secondaries are beginning a rolling programme which is aimed at thwarting a major shake-up by Strathclyde.• They show the consistency that is to be expected from a ten-year rolling programme.• A new engineering base is being established at Churston where rolling stock will be maintained and serviced.• Argyll leapt over the clattering boards and rolling stools.• In the moonlight Ion Manescu, sitting in the lead vehicle, peered through his snow goggles at the rolling wilderness.rolling programme• They show the consistency that is to be expected from a ten-year rolling programme.• The £750,000 required is being sought from special council budgets, so that a rolling programme of ferry replacement is not affected.• In addition to these priority cases, we will develop a timetable for a rolling programme of Quality Audits for other centres.• We must then continue with a rolling programme of reform that takes us away from the narrow concept of notional rents.• Mr Guest said United had a rolling programme of renewing its fleet and planned to buy 13 new buses this year.• There is a rolling programme of whole school inspections and detailed subject department inspections.• In south Glasgow, two secondaries are beginning a rolling programme which is aimed at thwarting a major shake-up by Strathclyde.• The first audits will take place this autumn as part of a rolling programme which will eventually take in all centres.roll·ing adjectiveChineseSyllable  slopes long hills rolling gentle many have Corpus




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