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单词 revolving door
释义  Related topics: Buildingldoce_284_areˌvolving ˈdoor noun  1. TB[countable] a type of door in the entrance of a large building, which goes around and around as people go through it 旋转门 →5  See picture of REVOLVING DOOR 旋转门 →4  See picture of 见图 revolving door2  [singular] used to say that the people involved in a situation, organization etc change often 频繁的人员流动 The park director position has been a revolving door for seven appointees. 公园主管一职已经接连换了七个人。3  [singular] used to say that people return to a situation, position etc often, but usually for a different reason 旋转门〔用于表示常常有人出于另外的原因而回到某种情形或某个位置〕 This could mean that we end up with a revolving door Congress, in which former members return as lobbyists. 这可能意味着我们的国会最后成了一道旋转门,前任议员再度返回,摇身一变成了说客。Examples from the Corpusrevolving door• Term limits could mean that we end up with a revolving door Congress, in which former members return as lobbyists.• Under Treadwell, the Drifters were hired hands to be ushered in and out of his revolving door.• She joins a government-media revolving door.• She walked through the revolving door into the lobby.• The revolving door between government and think-tanks is well-established.• The revolving door has begun to rotate.reˌvolving ˈdoor nounChineseSyllable   Corpus of entrance a in the door type




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