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单词 revolutionary
释义 Word family  noun revolution revolutionary adjective revolutionary verb revolutionize  Related topics: Groupings, Societyrev·o·lu·tion·a·ry1 /ˌrevəˈluːʃənəri◂ $ -ʃəneri◂/ ●○○ AWL adjective  1  NEWcompletely new and different, especially in a way that leads to great improvements 革命性的,突破性的,创新的 The new cancer drug is a revolutionary breakthrough. 这种抗癌新药是一个革命性突破。 a revolutionary new drug 一种革命性的新药► see thesaurus at new2  [only before noun]PPGS relating to a political or social revolution 革命的 a revolutionary leader 革命领袖Examples from the Corpusrevolutionary• The Council's use of the term is therefore revolutionary.• The new treatment for cancer is considered revolutionary.• I was very involved in revolutionary activity then.• Several rival revolutionary armies were challenging the central government and each other.• Women have made revolutionary changes in their roles in the past 25 years.• Opposition to the party establishment was created in the form of revolutionary committees and communes.• When revolutionary forces marched into Havana, Castro and Che Guevara took control of the army.• At all events, it is thanks to them that the revolutionary humanism of 1789 still lives on.• The strategy developed by the revolutionary populists reflected the same mixture of heroic struggle for the peasantry's cause and utopian illusions.• My father taught me several revolutionary songs.• revolutionary technology for producing cheap, pollution-free energy• Elsewhere in the county Quakerism emerged in the 1650s to be fairly firmly suppressed by a gentry worried about its revolutionary tendencies.• Einstein's revolutionary theories made people look at the universe in a completely new way.• Nevertheless, Picasso's bronze Head is in many ways a revolutionary work.revolutionary new• The plans incorporate several revolutionary new concepts which, for obvious reasons, must be kept top secret.• But at last there's a remedy: Compeed's revolutionary new dressings.• My job was to prepare the groundwork for a revolutionary new financial product.• Software included starts with Microsoft Windows 3.0 - the revolutionary new graphical environment which supports a wide range of high-capability applications packages.• Our revolutionary new imaging system automatically puts you on screen.• People not only had more than their forebears; they also had revolutionary new products.• You will relax in our revolutionary new seat which is a breakthrough in design.• Greenways will introduce revolutionary new traffic regulations, setting out what can be done, as opposed to what is prohibited.Related topics: Groupingsrevolutionary2 AWL noun (plural revolutionaries) [countable]  PPGsomeone who joins in or supports a political or social revolution 革命者;革命家 → rebel a band of young revolutionaries 一群年轻的革命者Examples from the Corpusrevolutionary• Women participate, not as feminists, but as revolutionaries to free ourselves from exploitation.• He checked out a book that contained police pictures of revolutionaries.• He had become a professional revolutionary.• They think they're revolutionaries, but they're nothing but common criminals.• Writers and filmmakers were no longer required to portray heroes as shining revolutionaries and villains as agents of the Saigon regime.• Having taken control of the capital city, the revolutionaries proceeded to form a new government.• With each decade the revolutionaries became more and more concerned with efficiency.• In the late nineties when workers showed excessive interest in bread-and-butter issues, the revolutionaries denounced their petty-bourgeois, trade-unionist mentality.• Garcia Gutierrez wrote two plays with revolutionaries as their heroes.rev·o·lu·tion·a·ry1 adjectiverevolutionary2 nounChineseSyllable  and new especially completely Corpus a in way different,




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