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单词 revalue
释义  Related topics: Currenciesre·val·ue /ˌriːˈvæljuː/ verb [transitive]  1  VALUEto examine something again in order to calculate its present value 对…再估价,对…重新估价 The company’s land has been revalued at £16.9m. 公司的土地重新估价为1,690万英镑。2  PECto increase the value of a country’s money in relation to that of other countries 使〔货币〕升值 OPP devalue The dollar has just been revalued. 美元刚刚升值。n Grammar Revalue is usually passive. —revaluation /riːˌvæljuˈeɪʃən/ noun [countable, uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusrevalue• Once it's sold, the property is revalued at the sale price.• In 1985, the yen was revalued by more than 40%.• Secondly, because the £75,000 limit is not a static figure but is revalued every year in line with price increases.• Meanwhile the county has revalued its assets to reflect its long lease and the planning consents obtained.• In November the government had been forced to revalue its gold reserves to provide additional cover for the rupee.• It has already revalued its properties, bringing a £7m surplus.• Football club balance sheets do not always show the full value of the assets: 48% do not revalue land and buildings.• This can be dealt with by revaluing the asset annually using special indices of cost of capital and adjusting depreciation provisions accordingly.From Longman Business Dictionaryrevaluere‧val‧ue /riːˈvæljuː/ verb [transitive]1FINANCE to examine something again in order to calculate its current value in relation to other similar thingsSome properties need to be revalued.They recommended that we should revalue our assets once every five years.2ECONOMICS to increase the value of a country’s money in relation to that of other countriesspeculators who stood to make a profit if the currency was revalued → compare devalue —revaluation noun [countable, uncountable]From that date there were no revaluations of property.revaluation of the pound→ See Verb tablere·val·ue verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  again Corpus calculate examine to to present its something order in Business




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