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单词 retool
释义  Related topics: Tools, Factoriesre·tool /ˌriːˈtuːl/ verb  1  [transitive] American English informalORGANIZE to organize something in a new way 重新组织;改组 The College Board has retooled the admission exams. 大学委员会重新调整入学考试。2. [intransitive, transitive]TZTIF to change or replace the machines or tools in a factory (给)〔工厂〕更换机器[工具]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusretool• How do I retool for a career change?• Still, taking an already complex program and retooling it for the Internet must have been difficult.• Should you close an antiquated plant, retool it, or sell it?• On the strength of this, Tetley embarked on an 18-month factory retooling programme.• Now the rapidly changing workplace meant men had to retool routinely too.• They've successfully retooled their corporate image.• Women had long been accustomed to taking time off from a career for family responsibilities, then retooling to come back.From Longman Business Dictionaryretoolre‧tool /ˌriːˈtuːl/ verb1[intransitive, transitive]MANUFACTURING to change or replace the production equipment used in a factoryIt will spend $300 million retooling a plant to produce televisions.retool forThe company plans to shut two plants for a month to retool for the redesigned minivans.2[transitive] American English informal to change the way in which something is doneTwo big auction houses areretooling their salesstrategies in hopes of succeeding in a difficult market. —retooling noun [uncountable]the high costs of retooling and operating a small-scale production facility→ See Verb tablere·tool verbChineseSyllable  to Business new something a way in organize Corpus




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