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单词 residential care
释义  Related topics: Hospitalˌresidential ˈcare noun [uncountable]  MHa system in which people who are old or ill live together in a special house and are looked after by professionals 〔为不能自理的老人或病人提供的〕住院护理Examples from the Corpusresidential care• a residential care facility• What might happen if a council refused to record a person's need for residential care because they couldn't provide it?• It costs upwards of £300 a week to keep some one in residential care.• The student found that it was not uncommon to regard the young person's stay in residential care as temporary.• When families place elderly relatives into residential care, a similar feeling of guilt is often apparent.• The next chapter explores social work practice where a family member begins to need residential care.• Thus Southwark, which exports 70% of adults needing residential care, will not receive adequate funding to pay for future placements.• That also means a commitment to private residential care as much as to local authority residential care.• If local authorities do seek to improve their residential care facilities, what form might this take?ˌresidential ˈcare nounChineseSyllable  old or ill system are a live people in who Corpus which




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