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单词 reproduction
释义 Word family  noun produce producer product production reproduction productivity adjective productive ≠ unproductive counterproductive reproductive reproducible verb produce reproduce adverb productively  Related topics: Biology, Birth, Recording, Newspapers, printing, publishingre·pro·duc·tion /ˌriːprəˈdʌkʃən◂/ ●○○ noun  1  [uncountable]HBMB the act or process of producing babies, young animals, or plants 生殖,繁殖 Scientists studied the reproduction, diet, and health of the dolphins. 科学家研究了海豚的繁殖情况、进食规律和健康状况。 sexual reproduction 有性繁殖2  [uncountable]TCRTCN the act of producing a copy of a book, picture, piece of music etc 复制;再版;翻印reproduction of Unauthorized reproduction of this publication is strictly forbidden. 未经许可,严禁翻印。3  [countable]COPY a copy of a work of art, piece of furniture etc 〔艺术品、家具等的〕复制品reproduction of a reproduction of Vincent Van Gogh’s ‘Sunflowers’ 文森特·凡·高《向日葵》的复制品reproduction furniture/chairs etc a reproduction Louis XIV table 仿路易十四时期风格的一张餐桌Examples from the Corpusreproduction• a reproduction of a beautiful Ming vase• Evolution depends absolutely on the survival and reproduction of the species.• Darwinians have usually chosen to discuss genes whose phenotypic effects benefit, or penalize, the survival and reproduction of whole bodies.• The same pattern of asexual reproduction occurs in water fleas, aphids and even a few lizards.• McPhee supplies a useful gallery of these artists' works, most of them of high quality, in small color reproductions.• Dr Weiss's research has focused mostly on human reproduction.• Drawing is not a simple imitation, he insisted, a mathematical copy conforming to the original, an inert reproduction.• These insects have two different methods of reproduction.• The store sells a range of reproduction furniture in Colonial style.• high quality sound reproduction• Scientists studied the reproduction, diet and health of the dolphins.• Unauthorized reproduction of this publication is strictly forbidden.reproduction of• a reproduction of Vincent van Gogh's "Sunflowers"reproduction furniture/chairs etc• Not particularly nice reproduction chairs can be lacquered in unexpected colours.• It was often buried away among Regency reproduction furniture in shops which were empty most of the time.• Off the pitch he's in the reproduction furniture business.From Longman Business Dictionaryreproductionre‧pro‧duc‧tion /ˌriːprəˈdʌkʃən/ noun [uncountable] the work of copying documents, books etc or preparing them for printingBulk reproduction is performed by high-speed·pro·duc·tion nounChineseSyllable  young the or producing babies, act Business process of Corpus




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