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单词 behind
释义  be·hind1 /bɪˈhaɪnd/ ●●● S1 W1 preposition, adverb  1  BEHINDat or towards the back of a thing or person 在[向]…后面 I turned to speak to the person standing behind me. 我转身和站在我后面的那人说话。 Someone could easily creep up behind us. 很可能有人跟在我们后面。 The car behind was hooting impatiently. 后面那辆车不耐烦地按着喇叭。 Jane shut the door behind her. 简随手关上身后的门。 The manager was sitting behind a large desk. 经理坐在一张大办公桌的后面。close behind/not far behind He set off down the road with the rest of us following close behind. 他带头上路,我们其他人紧随其后。 ► Don’t say ‘behind of’: He hid behind a chair (NOT behind of a chair).不要说 ‘behind of’: He hid behind a chair (不说 behind of a chair). 他躲在一把椅子的后面。2  LOSE A GAME, COMPETITION, OR WARnot as successful or not having made as much progress as someone or something else 劣于;落后于;低于 Mark’s always behind the rest of his class in mathematics. 马克的数学成绩总是落在班上其他同学后面。 This victory lifts Ferguson’s team into fifth place, nine points behind leaders Norwich. 这场胜利使弗格森的球队升到了第五名,落后领先的诺里奇队九分。 Europe was falling behind in the important field of computer technology. 欧洲在计算机技术这一重要领域落后了。3  used to say that someone is late in doing what they have to do 〔必须做的事情在时间上〕落后 This work should have been finished yesterday. I’m getting terribly behind. 这项工作应该昨天完成的,我落后太多了。 Victor had fallen behind with his mortgage payments after losing his job. 维克托失业以后就拖欠抵押贷款了。 an important research project that is already two years behind schedule (=not ready at the time planned) 进度已经落后了两年的一个重要研究项目4  REASONused for talking about the hidden reason for something 在…背后〔用于表示某事背后的原因〕 I wonder what’s behind this change of plan. 我想知道这次计划改变背后的原因是什么。 Perhaps a bitter experience lay behind her anger. 在她愤怒的背后可能隐藏着一次痛苦的经历。5  SUPPORT A PERSON, GROUP, OR PLANsupporting a person, idea etc 支持 The workers are very much behind these proposals. 工人们非常支持这些建议。 I suppose I’m lucky because my parents were behind me all the way. 我想我是幸运的,因为父母一直支持我。6  RESPONSIBLEresponsible for a plan, idea etc or for organizing something 对…负责 It was alleged that foreign agents were behind the recent violence. 据称最近的暴力事件是由国外特工策划的。 The Rotary Club is behind the fund-raising for the new hospital. 扶轮社负责新医院的筹款工作。7  FORGETif an unpleasant experience or situation is behind you, it no longer upsets you or affects your life 置于…之后〔指不愉快的事情不再困扰你或影响你的生活〕 Now you can put all these worries behind you. 现在你可以把这些烦恼全部撇在脑后了。 a chance to start a new life and leave all your troubles behind 抛开所有烦恼、开始新生活的一个机会8  LEARNif you have experience behind you, you have gained valuable skills or important qualities that can be used 〔经验〕为…所拥有 Marjorie is one of the top designers in the business, with years of experience behind her. 玛乔里是这个行业里的顶级设计师之一,拥有多年的工作经验。9  HIDE/NOT SHOWused when the real facts about a situation or someone’s character are hidden by the way things seem or by the way a person behaves 在…背后,在…表面下〔指现象背后的真实情况,或某人行为后面的真实性格〕 We were determined to find the truth behind this mystery. 我们下决心查出这谜团背后的真相。 You could see the burning hatred behind Graham’s calm manner. 格雷厄姆举止平静的表面下,可以看出他的内心其实燃烧着仇恨。10. if a student stays behind after school or after a lesson, they stay after it has finished 〔学生放学后〕留堂 → behind somebody’s back at back2(9), → behind bars at bar1(7), → behind the times at time1(38)n THESAURUSbehind at or towards the back of something, and often hidden by itThe sun went behind a cloud.I got stuck behind a truck on the way to the the back British English, in (the) back American English behind something, especially a buildingThere’s a small garden at the back of the cottage.Their house has a pool in the the rear written behind something, especially a building. At/to the rear sounds rather formal and is used especially in written descriptionsThey parked in a small car park at the rear of the hotel.There is a small seating area to the the background if someone or something is in the background, it is behind the place where the main activity is happeningIf you look carefully at the painting, you will see several men sitting at a table in the background.Examples from the Corpusbehind• I was driving behind a truck on the freeway.• What's behind Cooper's opposition to the changes?• Ronstadt's days as a rock star are behind her, for now.• Gutierrez entered the race with six weeks of solid training behind her.• Behind his gruff exterior, she finds a sweet soul.• He sat behind me.• It's interesting to learn the history behind the buildings.• the mountains behind the city• Is that your shoe behind the couch?• The Rams were 21 points behind the Falcons with only 10 minutes left to play.• The police believe a local gang is behind the killings.• Surprisingly, Congress appears to be firmly behind the President on this issue.• The Chamber of Commerce is behind this year's annual fund-raising dinner.behind schedule• Interstate 880 opened Tuesday, only three months behind schedule.• First flight was scheduled for December 1963 but due to fuel tank leakage the programme fell well behind schedule.• Home project had fallen behind schedule.• That dredging is now behind schedule.• The Community is therefore currently behind schedule.• Today thousands of commuters were delayed for up to 35 minutes as trains ran behind schedule.• Unfortunately, the difficulty of mustering the parade had been badly miscalculated and it was behind schedule.• Countless advanced communications projects have fallen behind schedule after being heavily promoted.behind2 noun [countable]  informalHBH the part of your body that you sit on 屁股 SYN bottomExamples from the Corpusbehind• Craig: Cheryl's not so much always behind as all behind.• But Sixo had already melted into the woods before the lash could unfurl itself on his indigo behind.• I denied homosexual inclinations but he still made me bend down so that he could inspect my behind with a wooden spatula.From Longman Business Dictionarybehindbe‧hind1 /bɪˈhaɪnd/ adverb be/get/fall behind (with something) to be late making a regular payment or doing workOver 4% of British borrowers are likely to be a month or more behind with their repayments.You may be putting your tenancy at risk if you fall behind with the rent.I can’t sleep at night because I’m worried about getting behind with my work.behindbehind2 preposition1be behind somebody/something to support a person, an idea, or the work they are doingCabinet Ministers rallied behind the Prime Minister yesterday.2not as advanced or successful as someone or something elseTheir social and economic development is so far behind the rest of the world that they can never compete on equal terms.3behind schedule not arriving or happening at the right timeCommuters were delayed for up to 35 minutes as trains ran behind schedule.Contractors who fall behind schedule will incur financial penalties.Origin behind1 Old English behindan, from hindan “from behind”be·hind1 preposition →n THESAURUS1behind2 nounLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  thing of towards the Business back Corpus a at or




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