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单词 remind
释义 Word family  noun mind minder reminder adjective mindless minded mindful verb mind remind adverb mindlessly  re·mind /rɪˈmaɪnd/ ●●● S1 W2 verb [transitive]  1  REMIND/MAKE somebody REMEMBERto make someone remember something that they must do 使〔某人〕想起〔必须做的事〕,提醒 Yes, I’ll be there. Thanks for reminding me. 是的,我会去那里的。 谢谢提醒。remind somebody about something The girls constantly had to be reminded about their chores. 不得不经常提醒那些女孩子料理好自己的事情。remind somebody to do something Remind me to buy some milk tonight. 提醒我今天晚上买点牛奶。remind somebody (that) Mrs Welland reminded her son that they still had several people to see. 韦兰太太提醒儿子,他们还有几个人要拜访。that reminds me (=used when something has just made you remember something you were going to say or do) 那倒提醒了我 Oh, that reminds me, I saw Jenny in town today. 噢,这倒提醒了我,我今天在城里看见珍妮了。remind yourself I reminded myself to watch them closely. 我提醒自己要密切注意他们。 He made a few notes to remind himself of what he wanted to say. 他记了几条,提醒自己要说些什么。2  REMIND/MAKE somebody REMEMBERto make someone remember someone that they know or something that happened in the past 使〔某人〕想起remind somebody of something That song always reminds me of our first date. 那首歌总使我回忆起我们的第一次约会。remind somebody (of) what/how etc I was reminded how lucky I was. 这使我想起我是多么幸运。3  don’t remind me spokenREMIND/MAKE somebody REMEMBER used in a joking way when someone has mentioned something that embarrasses or annoys you 别跟我提这事〔某人提到使你尴尬或不快的事情时的诙谐说法〕 ‘We’ve got a test tomorrow.’ ‘Don’t remind me!’ “我们明天有考试。”“别跟我提这事!”4  let me remind you/may I remind you (that) spoken formalWARN used to emphasize a warning or criticism 让我提醒你〔用于加强警告或批评的语气〕 Let me remind you that you are expected to arrive on time. 让我提醒你,你一定要按时到达。5 remind somebody of somebody/something phrasal verb LIKE/SIMILARto seem similar to someone or something else 使〔某人〕想起〔相似的人或物〕 The landscape reminded her of Scotland. 那儿的风景让她想起苏格兰。 Corinne reminds me of myself when I was her age. 科琳娜使我想起了我像她那么大时的情景。n GRAMMAR: Using the progressiveRemind someone of is not used in the progressive. You say: He reminds me of Pete. ✗Don’t say: He is reminding me of Pete.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusremind• He had been warning Matilda, reminding her that she could still threaten Edmund's safety to ensure Isabel's obedience.• You've got no choice, he reminded himself.• Its teeth were as yellow as Mrs McCue's and in some strange way it reminded me a little of her.• Oh that reminds me - I'm supposed to take Cheryl to the airport tomorrow.• Remind me to buy some batteries for my Walkman, OK?• I'd love to have lunch next Wednesday, but you'll have to remind me.• I'd better write this down to remind myself.• Yet Mansell-mania reminded some of Beatlemania in the Swinging Sixties.• Doing so directs their attention to their drinking and reminds them that they are trying to moderate their consumption.• Until recently, the seventies were a widely hated era, and with wit and humor, Boogie Nights reminds us why.• Pauline phoned to remind you about the party.• I just want to remind you that your assignments must be completed by Friday.• That way, when the yelling starts, you can remind yourself that it was your choice to work there.• Write down a few notes to remind yourself what you want to say.remind somebody about something• Let's go down and remind Mr. Lee about the meeting.remind somebody (of) what/how etc• She awoke with her body lazily relaxed, only slight soreness to remind her of what had happened the previous night.• He is often very callous to Lennie and is constantly reminding him what his life could be like without Lennie.• The headlines reminded me how lucky I was.• Ranger Dave Hutson likes to remind visitors how lucky they are compared to James White, who first mapped the cave.• It also reminds us of how recently belief in the supernatural was part of life.• It reminds us of what the desert has come to signify in some peoples writing and thinking.• Such patients may be helped by being reminded of what they have accomplished during treatment.• Now, remind yourself what you paid for·mind verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  that Corpus they must something someone make to remember




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