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单词 relieve
释义  Related topics: Militaryre·lieve /rɪˈliːv/ ●●○ S3 verb [transitive]  1  pain 疼痛REDUCE to reduce someone’s pain or unpleasant feelings 减轻,缓解〔疼痛或不快的感觉〕 → relief Drugs helped to relieve the pain. 药物有助于舒缓疼痛。relieve tension/pressure/stress etc Some people eat for comfort, to relieve their anxieties. 有些人进食是为了寻找安慰,缓解焦虑。2  problem 问题 to make a problem less difficult or serious 减轻,缓和,缓解〔问题的难度或严重性〕 programs aimed at relieving unemployment 旨在缓和失业问题的方案3  replace SB 替换某人REPLACE to replace someone when they have completed their duty or when they need a rest 给〔某人〕换班 The guard will be relieved at midnight. 哨兵将在午夜时换岗。4. relieve yourself HBHa polite expression meaning to urinate – often used humorously 小便〔常为幽默用法〕5  boring 厌烦的BORING to make something less dull and boring 排遣;调剂;使有趣 a plain wall relieved by flecks of blue and yellow 以黄、蓝斑点打破素色墙面的单调relieve the boredom/monotony The books helped relieve the boredom of waiting. 在无聊的等待中,这些书能解闷。6. war 战争PM formal to free a town which an enemy has surrounded 给〔城镇〕解围;解救7 relieve somebody of something phrasal verb a) formalHELP to help someone by taking something from them, especially a job they do not want to do or something heavy that they are carrying 解除〔某人〕的负担 A secretary was hired to relieve her of some of the administrative work. 一个秘书被雇来为她减轻一些行政工作的负担。 He rose and relieved her of her bags. 他站起来接过她手中的包。b) relieve somebody of their post/duties/command etc formalLEAVE A JOB OR ORGANIZATION to take away someone’s job because they have done something wrong 解除某人的职务/职责/指挥权等 After the defeat General Meyer was relieved of his command. 战败之后,迈耶将军被解除了指挥权。c) STEALto steal something from someone – used humorously 偷窃〔幽默用法〕 A couple of guys relieved him of his wallet. 几个家伙偷了他的钱包。n COLLOCATIONSnounsrelieve painWhat’s the best way of relieving back pain?relieve symptomsDrinking a pint of water should help to relieve the symptoms.relieve tensionThey all laughed and it helped to relieve the tension.relieve stressDon’t resort to alcohol to relieve your stress.relieve anxietyWe offer patients a gentle massage to help relieve anxiety.relieve pressureDoctors should have inserted a needle into the lungs to relieve the pressure.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusrelieve• It clearly relieved and heartened them.• After about 20 hours, they were relieved by another crew.• He was sent to Cairo to relieve Captain Roberts for a few days.• Regular exercise can relieve depression and anxiety.• Peppermint has long been regarded as a plant that can relieve indigestion.• Massage-Good for general relaxation and to relieve stress buildup in the muscle tissue.• Estrogen replacement relieves such symptoms of menopause as hot flashes and night sweats, reduces bone loss and relieves vaginal dryness.• Can anyone relieve Tammy? She's been on duty for ten hours without a break.• Magnetic board games can help relieve the boredom of long car journeys for kids.• Near the end Joey Beauchamp relieved the pain with his second goal of the season.• Just take some Tylenol to relieve the pain.• Harry attempted a couple of jokes to relieve the tension of the occasion.• What can you do to relieve those of your colleagues or staff?relieve tension/pressure/stress etc• For some, it's the chewing itself that relieves tension.• Massage-Good for general relaxation and to relieve stress buildup in the muscle tissue.• The workouts were intended to relieve stress, but they were for vanity, too.• Next, learn to pause and de-stress, because relieving stress can save your life!• And it is proven to lead to stronger, more solid bones, relieve tension, depression and insomnia.• You know they probably would just relieve pressure of something of that sort.• When he played for Phoenix, Ceballos came off the bench to relieve pressure on Charles Barkley with his shooting.• Intended to relieve pressure on the most popular courses, the system should be up and running this spring.relieve the boredom/monotony• He attempts reading it upside down, which temporarily relieves the boredom.• This year's card would relieve the monotony.• These inventions not only relieved the boredom but gave escape from pain.• Harry tried to relieve the boredom by singing and whistling.• Sometimes she would try out different routes to relieve the monotony of her daily journey.• Cross-country skiing relieves the monotony of winter.From Longman Business Dictionaryrelievere‧lieve /rɪˈliːv/ verb [transitive] to make a bad situation less severeIts Japanese parent company is expected to inject capital to relieve its crushing $3 billion debt. → relieve somebody of something→ See Verb tableOrigin relieve (1300-1400) Old French relever “to raise, relieve”, from Latin relevare, from levare “to raise”re·lieve verb →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  pain unpleasant Business reduce to someone’s or feelings Corpus




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