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单词 register office
释义  ˈregister ˌoffice noun [countable] British English  PGCa registry office 〔英国办理出生、结婚、死亡登记的〕户籍登记处Examples from the Corpusregister office• The ceremony had taken place in a register office as both families were agnostic.• Not strictly speaking, because the wedding was in a register office, and you don't have a best man.• When he returned they lived together before marrying in a quiet register office ceremony in December 1986.• Their footsteps rang hollow in the register office like a bad comic going off stage.• A little too much wind, and everyone patting his hair back into place inside the door of the register office.ˈregister ˌoffice nounChineseSyllable  office a registry Corpus




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