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单词 regiment
释义  Related topics: Armyre·gi·ment1 /ˈredʒəmənt/ ●○○ noun [countable]  1. PMAa large group of soldiers, usually consisting of several battalions 〔军队的〕团2  GROUP OF PEOPLEGROUP OF THINGSa large number of people, animals, or things 〔人、动物或东西的〕大群,大量regiment of a regiment of ants 一大群蚂蚁 —regimental /ˌredʒəˈmentl◂/ adjective the regimental commander 团长Examples from the Corpusregiment• A commission appointed by the governor concluded that even a regiment could not have controlled the mob.• He cooked Thanksgiving dinner for a regiment of friends and family.• Another regiment of twigs was fighting something unseen in the sky.• the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment• And the first regiment will move in next March.• But Frederick will soon have to return to his regiment, Henry reassures her.• In 1946 Yehuda joined the zionist Palmach regiment, and fought in the Negev desert two years later.• Balcarre's and Barclay's regiments of horse are confused.• As the joint author of a recent book on the regiment explains.• From divisions to brigades, from brigades to regiments, the order·gi·ment2 /ˈredʒəment/ verb [transitive]  CONTROLto organize and control people firmly and usually too strictly 严格控制 the regimented routine of boarding school 寄宿学校严格的生活规律n Grammar Regiment is usually passive. —regimentation /ˌredʒəmenˈteɪʃən/ noun [uncountable]→ See Verb tableOrigin regiment (1300-1400) Old French Late Latin regimentum, from Latin regere; → REGENTre·gi·ment1 nounre·gi·ment2 verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  group usually Corpus of large a soldiers, of consisting




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