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单词 reflex
释义  re·flex /ˈriːfleks/ noun [countable]  1  reflexes [plural]REACT a) the natural ability to react quickly and well to sudden situations 反应能力have good/quick/slow reflexes A tennis player needs to have very quick reflexes. 网球运动员需要反应迅速。 b) HBHa sudden uncontrolled movement that your muscles make as a natural reaction to a physical effect 〔生理上的〕反射动作,反射作用 Doctor Mulholland tested Jennifer’s reflexes (=especially by hitting her knee with a special rubber hammer). 马尔霍兰医生检查了珍妮弗的反射反应。2. reflex action something that you do without thinking, as a reaction to a situation 下意识的动作;本能反应Examples from the Corpusreflex• Almost as a reflex, he smiled grimly to himself.• Hawthorne said she fired the gun as a reflex when her husband shouted.• Ellen thought that the smile was a reflex.• Though in a coma, the patient shows signs of brain activity, such as reflexes.• None of the patients was taking any medication known to interfere with cardiovascular reflexes.• Are we to infer from the texts that the pupils do not understand the differences between inborn and conditioned reflexes?• It is best to ignore this rather frantic reflex.• Development proceeds as the infant explores the environment via his or her reflexes.• So ingrained is the reflex of contention that even seemingly unobjectionable ideas provoke it.Origin reflex (1500-1600) Latin past participle of reflectere; → REFLECTre·flex nounChineseSyllable  react to well ability and natural Corpus the quickly




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