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单词 receptionist
释义 Word family  noun receipt receipts receiver reception receivership receiving receptionist receptor adjective receptive ≠ unreceptive received verb receive  Related topics: Occupations, Daily lifere·cep·tion·ist /rɪˈsepʃənɪst/ ●●○ noun [countable]  BODsomeone whose job is to welcome and deal with people arriving in a hotel or office building, visiting a doctor etc 接待员 →4  See picture on 见图 Page A11 Where to stay 住的地方Examples from the Corpusreceptionist• It killed a receptionist and injured 19 others.• The alternative of using a fully trained adviser as receptionist would probably not be considered an efficient use of staff.• Foreign visitors will expect the receptionist to have a very good knowledge of the country in general.• They provide information for the receptionist when dealing with enquiries for the guests as to what standard equipment is in the room.• If the prospective guest is unable to pay then the receptionist may refuse to accommodate that person.• The receptionist had opened up readily enough when Ruth had opened up her purse.• The receptionist screamed as Howard struggled to right·cep·tion·ist nounChineseSyllable  to someone welcome job and deal whose Corpus is




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