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单词 recapture
释义  Related topics: Militaryre·cap·ture /riːˈkæptʃə $ -ər/ verb [transitive]  1  REMEMBERto bring back the same feelings or qualities that you experienced in the past 使重温;使再次经历 The film really recaptures the atmosphere of those days. 影片确实重现了那个年代的氛围。2  CATCHto catch a prisoner or animal that has escaped 重新抓获〔逃犯或逃脱的动物〕 He was recaptured after nearly two weeks on the run. 他逃亡将近两周后再次被抓获。3  PMto take control of a place again by fighting for it 收复〔失地〕 SYN retake an attempt to recapture the city 收复这座城市的尝试 —recapture noun [uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusrecapture• Nine of the fugitives were later recaptured.• The prisoners were recaptured a few hours after their escape.• A lot depends on whether Democrats recapture a majority in the Senate.• Later the slave was recaptured and sentenced to die in the arena facing a wild beast.• Would we have heard, down here in the pianura, if he had been recaptured or killed?• By then D day was history, and the Allies had recaptured Paris.• Both have escaped and been recaptured since the Strangeways riot.• It was sixteen years since Wycliffe's last case in the town and he was recapturing the atmosphere of the place.• His book recaptures the excitement of life in the Old West.• Viet Cong forces quickly recaptured the soldiers.• You are recapturing the spirit and power that is integral to the freedom of the life you have·cap·ture verbChineseSyllable  same or qualities to Corpus bring that feelings the back




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