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单词 reactionary
释义 Word family  noun reaction reactor reactionary overreaction adjective reactionary reactive verb react overreact  Related topics: Groupingsre·ac·tion·a·ry1 /riˈækʃənəri $ -ʃəneri/ AWL adjective  PPGCHANGE YOUR MINDvery strongly opposed to any social or political change – used to show disapproval 反动的〔含贬义〕 reactionary attitudes 反动的态度Examples from the Corpusreactionary• And the main reason was that reactionary and factious opposition led the Government to seek and obtain an immediate dissolution of Parliament.• This appears reactionary because Freud states it in such general, ahistorical terms.• The seventy year old president has been condemned as reactionary by his radical opponents.• In a reactionary decade there are many who will not be hesitant to use such state-ments to confirm their former views.• We realise today that this reactionary generation grew up to be the most materialistic the world has ever known.• But the reactionary left rejected change, to the present detriment of those it claims to represent.• Reactionary politicians voted against the proposal.• Cultural attitudes to women were more reactionary than in most of Western Europe.• He is known for his reactionary views on immigration and the reintroduction of the death penalty.• Elated by their first opportunity to serve as Guardians of Truth and Traditional Wisdom, they weighed in with equally reactionary vigor.reactionary2 AWL noun (plural reactionaries) [countable]  someone who strongly opposes any social or political change – used to show disapproval 反动分子;反对社会[政治]变革者〔含贬义〕Examples from the Corpusreactionary• The damage was two-fold, for within months of Kiselev's departure a reactionary took his place.• That Ptolemy was a conservative, even a reactionary in certain respects, is undeniable.• The fact is that Berlioz, who invented the modern orchestra, was a fervent reactionary throughout his·ac·tion·a·ry1 adjectivereactionary2 nounChineseSyllable  political to Corpus opposed social very or any strongly




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