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单词 rasher
释义  Related topics: Food, dishrash·er /ˈræʃə $ -er/ noun [countable] British English  DFFa thin piece of bacon or ham 熏肉片;火腿片rasher of a rasher of bacon 一片培根► see thesaurus at pieceExamples from the Corpusrasher• Cover the sausage completely, then wrap around with a bacon rasher.• But she couldn't live on satsumas and the last of the bacon rashers until after Christmas.• Stretch the bacon rashers using the back of a knife.• Line a terrine with bacon rashers leaving an overlap for the top.• Others chased rashers round the plate with a vague air of disenchantment.• I sampled the oak-smoked back - quite the most succulent, aromatic and potentially habit-forming rasher I have ever had.• Emily Mahon stood in front of the gas cooker and grilled the ten rashers that she served every morning except Friday.rash·er nounChineseSyllable  thin of Corpus bacon or piece ham a




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