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单词 rake
释义  Related topics: Gardening, Drinkrake1 /reɪk/ noun  1  [countable]DLG a gardening tool with a row of metal teeth at the end of a long handle, used for making soil level, gathering up dead leaves etc 〔长柄〕耙子 a garden rake 园艺耙 →4  See picture of 见图 GARDENING →5 see picture at 见图 garden12. [countable] old-fashionedSYDFD a man who has many sexual relationships, drinks too much alcohol etc 酒色之徒,浪荡子3  [singular]CF the angle of a slope 坡度,倾角 the rake of the stage 舞台的坡度Examples from the Corpusrake• Did he think that would work if she got him gloves and a rake and shovel?• Unfortunately I sometimes think some one left a rake lying across a lot of them.• She went through the house door leading into the garage, seized a rake and plunged into the cold wind.• The hoes and rakes are still there, leaning against the wall, useless.• And on a car of this class the steering column ought to adjust for rake as well as reach.• The cinema was built on a hill, giving a natural rake to the auditorium seating.• Are they coming to mow the lawn or to liberate the hostages with rakes, clippers and blowers?Related topics: Gardening, Householdrake2 verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]DLG to move a rake across a surface in order to make the soil level, gather dead leaves etc 〔用耙子〕耙,耙平rake something over/up She raked the soil over to loosen the weeds. 她用耙子翻土,把杂草弄松。2  [intransitive always + adverb/preposition]LOOK FOR to search a place very carefully for something 仔细搜寻rake through/around I’ve been raking through my drawers looking for those tickets. 我一直在翻抽屉找那些票。3  [transitive]MOVE something OR somebody to point something such as a gun, camera, or strong light, and keep moving it across an area 〔用枪、照相机、强光等〕扫射,横扫 SYN sweep The searchlight raked the open ground around the prison. 探照灯在监狱周围的空地上来回扫射。rake something with something They raked the room with gunfire. 他们开枪扫射房间。4. [transitive]DH to push a stick backwards and forwards in a fire in order to remove ashes 耙〔灰〕5. rake over the past/old coals to keep talking about something that happened in the past that people would prefer you not to mention 重提〔别人不愿提起的〕往事6  rake your fingers (through something) DHBHto pull your fingers through something or across a surface 用手指拢(某物) Ken raked his fingers through his hair. 肯用手指拢头发。7 rake something ↔ in phrasal verb informal BEARNto earn a lot of money without trying very hard 轻易赚得〔许多钱〕 Lou’s been raking in the dollars since he opened his business. 自从生意开张以来,洛乌就财源滚滚。 If someone opened a burger bar, they’d really rake it in. 如果谁开一家汉堡包店,一定会发大财的。8 rake something ↔ up phrasal verb informal a) REMIND/MAKE somebody REMEMBERto talk about something from the past that people would prefer you not to mention 重提,翻出〔别人不愿提起的往事〕 SYN dredge up It upsets Dad when that story is raked up again. 重提那件事父亲会难过。b) (also rake something ↔ together)GET to collect things or people together for a purpose, but with difficulty 勉强拼凑 They could only rake up $300. 他们只能凑到300美元。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusrake• He moved, and his shock of hair caught the sun as he raked a hand through it.• Connors got his fuel bladder raked and had to break away from the flight.• Around them women and men and children worked in the hayfield, gathering and loading, raking and stacking.• He raked his fingers through fur the color of weak tea, brown, red, golden tint of gaslight.• He raked his fingers through his hair, as if debating what to say next, and she followed the movement.• And it will really drive civilized people nuts if Phillips starts raking in extra dough by posing in commercials for sports products.• The lawn had been freshly cut, some grass raked into piles on the front walk.• Cracks in rendering should be raked out, cut back to sound material if necessary and then filled with new mortar.• They paid me $20 to rake the leaves in their front yard.• Guerrillas raked the room with gunfire.• The women raked us with their cold stares.rake through/around• Every time we go out there and rake through a load, we turn over a piece of clothing and hope.• They rake through customer complaints for ideas for improving their products or service.• Dempster raked through his pockets and brought out a crumpled five-pound note.• Dolce e Gabbana were caught raking through Marie Antoinette's closet for their collection presented in Milan.• The coral sand will need raking through regularly to prevent it packing down solid and reducing the through-flow.• Her hands lifted to cradle his head, and hold him against her, her fingers raking through the crisp dark hair.• Hot sulphurous winds began to rake through the empty Delhi avenues.• She passed through the doorway, her eyes raking through the little knot of people clustered round it.From Longman Business Dictionaryrakerake /reɪk/ verbFINANCE → rake something → in → rake something → off→ See Verb tableOrigin rake1 1. Old English racu2. (1600-1700) Origin unknownrake1 nounrake2 verbChinese   Corpus of with Business row gardening a a tool




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