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单词 quickly
释义  quick·ly /ˈkwɪkli/ ●●● S1 W1 adverb  1  FAST/QUICKfast 快速地 We need to get this finished as quickly as possible. 我们必须尽快完成此事。 Kids grow up so quickly these days. 现在的孩子长得真快啊。 RegisterIn everyday English, people usually use a verb such as rush, run, or hurry rather than say go quickly: 在日常英语中,人们一般使用rush, run/hurry等动词,不说go quickly She went quickly to fetch the doctor. → She ran to fetch the doctor. 她跑去请医生。2  SHORT TIMEafter only a very short time 很快,马上 SYN soon I realized fairly quickly that this wasn’t going to be easy. 我马上就意识到这事没那么容易。3  SHORT TIMEfor a short time 短暂地,片刻地 I’ll just quickly nip into that shop. 我就去那家商店很快看一下。 ‘Have you talked to Vera about it yet?’ ‘Just quickly.’ “你跟薇拉谈过此事吗?”“只是简短地谈了谈。” THESAURUSquickly at a high speed or without taking much time 快速地The stream was flowing quite quickly. 小溪水流很急。They quickly became friends. 他们很快成了朋友。fast at a high speed – used especially when talking about how something moves 高速地〔尤用于谈论某物的移动速度〕You're driving too fast! 你开得太快了!He ran home as fast as he could. 他尽可能快地跑回家。quick spoken quickly – used in exclamations or in comparatives 快点〔用于感叹句或比较级〕Quick! There’s a mouse! 快点!有只老鼠!swiftly written quickly 迅速地The government acted swiftly. 政府迅速行动。She was surprised that he agreed so swiftly. 她很惊讶,他那么快就答应了。rapidly quickly – used especially about changes, increases, improvements etc 迅速地〔尤指变化、增长、进展等〕The population is growing rapidly. 人口在迅速增长。a rapidly changing world 日新月异的世界speedily quickly and therefore efficiently 迅速而有效地All problems were speedily dealt with. 所有问题都迅速得到解决。briskly quickly and energetically 轻快地He walked briskly back along the path. 他沿着小路轻快地走回来。at high/great speed at a very fast speed – used especially in technical descriptions 高速〔尤用于专业描述〕The molecules are travelling at great speed. 分子在高速运动。at a rapid rate especially written quickly – used about changes, increases, improvements etc 快速地〔指变化、增长、进步等〕Internet shopping is growing at a rapid rate. 网购正在迅速发展。as quick as a flash/in a flash extremely quickly 转眼间As quick as a flash, I was back in my bed and under the covers. 一眨眼我就回到自己的床上,钻进了被窝。like lightning moving extremely quickly 如闪电般飞快Like lightning, the cat darted under the bushes. 那只猫嗖地钻进了灌木丛里。flat out especially British English at the fastest speed possible 尽可能快The car was going flat out. 那辆车在以最高速度行驶。nHe was running flat out.Examples from the Corpusquickly• Don't eat too quickly.• She undressed quickly and got into bed.• We were asked only to make the bomb, devise it and construct it as quickly as possible.• Farquhar, unhurt apart from a huge lump on his head, bandaged Lachlan's wounds quickly before joining him at the oars.• Let me just talk to Eve quickly before we go.• Then she saw him look around quickly, but in all the wrong directions.• The water in the aquarium will quickly equal the ambient air temperature.• This is usually tucked away under a fold of skin but it can be quickly erected and used as a weapon.• Yeast cells struggling to survive under suffocating conditions quickly excrete the ethanol fragments because they are basically poisonous.• The California Department of Forestry said the crash sparked a small brush fire that was quickly extinguished.• Quickly fry the onions, then add the meat.• It reads quickly, like the Diaz story, a simple, straight forward pleasure.• Alex was knocked to the ground, but he quickly recovered.• Fortunately, India quickly returned to calm after Mrs Gandhi's death.• It's important to realize how quickly this disease can spread.quick·ly adverb →REGISTER1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  fast Corpus




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