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单词 beeline
释义  bee·line /ˈbiːlaɪn/ noun  make a beeline for somebody/something informalTOWARDS to go quickly and directly towards someone or something 直奔某人/某物 Rob always makes a beeline for beautiful women. 罗布总是直奔漂亮的女人。Examples from the Corpusbeeline• Gaming areas were half-empty, but gamblers made a beeline for the slots and tables at halftime.• I'd have thought you would have made a beeline for Brimmer's safe.• He made a beeline for the rich cousin.• After school the following afternoon, Alf Norris and I made a beeline to see the damage.• If your breakfast budget is two bucks, make a beeline for Saritas's in Grand Central Market.• She makes a beeline for Perry.• Through the binoculars I thought I made out an animal stretched out on the beach on a beeline from my window.Origin beeline (1800-1900) From the belief that bees fly back to their hives in a straight linebee·line nounChineseSyllable  directly towards and someone Corpus quickly go to




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