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单词 proposed
释义  pro·posed /prəˈpəʊzd $ -ˈpoʊzd/ ●●○ W3 adjective [only before noun]  SUGGESTa proposed change, plan, development etc is one that has been formally suggested to an official person or group 〔正式〕提议的,建议的 The document supplies details of the proposed changes. 那份文件提供了更改提议的细节。 The government is set to vote on the proposed reforms tomorrow. 政府将于明天对提议的改革事宜进行投票表决。Examples from the Corpusproposed• Also, there are clear benefits from bringing proposed actions together in a formal strategic analysis and long-term financial plan.• The proposed legislation appeared to mark a stronger move towards direct state regulation of sexuality.• The proposed regulations would take effect next year.• The primary purpose of the proposed research will be to acquire detailed knowledge about how the new Act will operate.• A proposed right is a claim which the proposer would like the society to enforce.• On the other hand, the proposed scheme is going to be extremely costly, both in terms of money and teachers' time.• They fear the proposed withdrawal from 17 May of some stops by ScotRail and InterCity will cause further deterioration in the·posed adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus one development etc plan, that is change, proposed a




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