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单词 prophet
释义  Related topics: Religionproph·et /ˈprɒfɪt $ ˈprɑː-/ ●○○ noun [countable]  1  RRa man who people in the Christian, Jewish, or Muslim religion believe has been sent by God to lead them and teach them their religion 〔基督教、犹太教或伊斯兰教的〕先知 the prophet Elijah 先知以利亚2  the Prophet RRIMuhammad, who began the Muslim religion 穆罕默德〔伊斯兰教的创始人〕 followers of the Prophet 穆罕默德的追随者3. the Prophets RRJthe Jewish holy men whose writings form part of the Old Testament (=first part of the Bible), or the writings themselves 犹太教诸先知〔其著作构成《圣经·旧约》的一部分〕;先知书4  PREDICTsomeone who claims that they know what will happen in the future 预言者prophet of doom/disaster (=someone who says that bad things will happen) 预言厄运/灾难的人false prophet (=someone whose claims about the future are not true) 伪先知〔作虚假预言的人〕5  ALINTRODUCEsomeone who introduces and spreads a new idea 〔新观念的〕提倡者,首倡者,倡导者prophet of Gandhi was the prophet of non-violent protest. 甘地是非暴力抗议的倡导者。Examples from the Corpusprophet• Let no one kid us into treating politicians as prophets whom we elevate and then abuse and then stone to death.• He sent for Teiresias, the old blind prophet, the most revered of Thebans.• Almost immediately, however, a fierce nationalist resistance erupted directed by a fiery prophet in the hills of Galilee.• The difference is that the poststructuralists put themselves forth as heterodox prophets and turn out to be priests of convention.• It was from the book of the Old Testament prophet Zechariah.• The Old Testament prophets were devastatingly political and frequently found themselves in trouble for it.• Altogether, it was as if the football results were being read by one of the prophets.• Lilith even succeeded in seducing the prophet Elijah without his knowledge, and had a child by him.• the prophet Isaiahfalse prophet• A sign of a false prophet is a drawing away in independence from the main body of the church.• There were too many false prophets in the world already without relying on gold-fish.prophet of• Gandhi, the prophet of non-violent protestsnthe ProphetProphet, the  muhammad, who established the muslim religion 穆罕默德〔伊斯兰教的创始人〕Origin prophet (1100-1200) Old French prophete, from Latin, from Greek prophetes, from phanai “to speak”proph·et nounProphet, theChineseSyllable  who people man Corpus Christian, or the in Jewish, a




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