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单词 privately
释义 Word family  noun privacy private privatization adjective private verb privatize adverb privately  pri·vate·ly /ˈpraɪvətli/ ●○○ adverb  1  PRIVATE/PERSONALwith no one else present 单独,私下 SYN in private I must talk to you privately. 我必须私下和你谈谈。2  PRIVATE/PERSONALif you feel or think something privately, you do not tell anyone about it 心里,私下地 Laura praised the pictures, though she privately thought they were rather ordinary. 劳拉称赞了那些照片,虽然她心里觉得它们相当普通。[sentence adverb] Privately, Harriet had to agree. 哈丽雅特私下里不得不同意。3  not publicly or as part of your work 私下地;与公务无关地[sentence adverb] Privately, senior officials agreed that not many people had voted. 高官们私下认为投票的人并不多。4  especially British EnglishPRIVATE/NON-GOVERNMENT using or involving private rather than government institutions 私立地,私营地 Both children are privately educated. 两个孩子接受的都是私立教育。 a privately owned company 私营公司Examples from the Corpusprivately• Could I speak to you privately?• Just before the First World War over 90 percent of households rented privately.• Only around 15 out of 200 work privately at the moment.• That pessimism is privately echoed inside the administration.• Many villagers privately feared the worst.• Popular, privately owned century-old hotel, awash with oriental rugs, rich mahogany, walnut panelling and other Victoriana.• The privately owned land is a steep, rugged parcel of 171 acres near Highway 92.• privately owned land• Some deacons and elders have privately told their ministers that they plan to resign in protest if it passes.pri·vate·ly adverbChineseSyllable  present else no with Corpus one




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